Somethkng great

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(Rachelle pov)

Shaking my head after seeing Louis storm by I head toward the kitchen, stopping and looking around the mansion like house. I still can't believe I'm in London with the worlds greatest boy band! Entering the kitchen I'm crushed Into a famous Horan hug by the boy himself."Oh Rachelle! I didn't know when you were gonna show up!" He looks down at me and notices we were still hugging and takes a step back, a blush clearly rushing to cover his pale cheeks.

I honestly love all the boys but Niall has always been my favorite, the way he cares so deeply for his fans, his crystal blue eyes that always seem to glow and his cute crooked smile. Taking a seat at the island where I'm guessing Niall was sitting before I came in here." Yeah you won't believe how hard it is to get a cab to stop for you and than the traffic is just terrible!" Niall takes a seat next to me, continuing to eat his cereal and nodding along."yeah I know what ya mean." He replies with a mouth full of coco puffs.

His arm lightly brushes mine but just that little bit of contact and my body is buzzing, I feel heat go straight to my face and I look down to try to hide it."Your cute when you blush." He smirks at me and taps my nose playfully. "So are you mister Horan." I shoot off my best wink when really I must look like a baby seal trying to sneeze. His neck and face instantly turn a deep crimson red anyway. I wonder why he's blushing so much?

A shattering bang was then heard throughout the whole house which snaps my mind back to Louis."Hey do you know what's up with Lou?" I ask Turning toward the doorway with a questionable gaze."Not a clue if I'm honest, here I'll show you to your room." Nodding I get up and follow him up the stairs to the second story. The quietness of the house was soon interrupted by the screaming of a ringtone and I see Niall trying his hardest to dig his phone from his tight jeans. Finally getting it out he looks at it without answering it but I see the name of the person first. Who the hell is Nikki?

Mentally shaking my head we continue our journey to my room where we find a half naked Liam banging on the bathroom door." Get out Zayn! You have been in there quite long enough, I need a shower!" A mumbled reply is heard from the other side but I couldn't make out what he said. I guess Liam can feel us staring at him because he suddenly turns around and almost face plants the wood floor.

Standing steadily on his feet again he smiles at me and his cute puppy brown eyes seem to glow from the hallway lights. "Hey guys! What you two up to?" He raises his eyebrow and winks in my direction and I instantly feel Niall tense up"N-nothing just showing Ray where her room is." Niall's voice is dark and low and is that jealousy I hear? Liam shakes his head."No I will, you can go back to your food Niall." Liam shoots another wink in my direction and I finally get his message.

"That's okay mate I got this." With that Niall grabs my hand and is dragging me down the hall to the door at the very end, leaving a smirking Liam behind.


Ohh is Niall getting jealous?? Does Liam like Rachelle?? Stick around because I have big plans for the next couple of chapters and WARNING there might be some rated r stuff but i don't know yet. Anything keep reading and find out what happens. Remember to vote, comment and Stay Beautiful! Love y'all!!

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