Chapter 34

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I would just like to say even though this is a one direction fanfiction that 5sos is AmaZAYN!! Haha anyway i don't know when I'll be able to update so I'm not gonna make any promises. Happy reading e.e


(Alisa pov)

Left and right images came and displayed their selfs on the screen. Some were just like pictures someone took with a camera, others were like videos replaying over and over in my head. The first one I saw was when I woke up in the hospital but.... it wasn't like the last hospital I woke up in when I was diagnose with minor amnesia. No this time it was different. It looked familiar like our old family hospital. "Mom? Why does this look different than the last time I woke up in the hospital?" I asked, jerking my eyes away from the screen long enough to turn and look at her.

She sighed and put her arm around my shoulder which wasn't hard considering we were the same height. "This was the day after I was killed..... by your father." At that I look back at the screen as the visuals went farther back. It stops at the point to where I'm limping up my front porch, a big, loose t-shirt over hanging just above my knees as I take note of all the lights being on. It was so weird watching this screen. Sort of like watching a movie on the silver screen but I'm one of the characters. Only difference was this was all real.

I watched as myself on the screen went inside the house and I felt my nerves sparking as slowly my memory's of what I saw came across my eyes and I heard my scream on the tape before I saw my old self run out of the house with my father hot on my heels. Blood covering his hands and shirt, a knife held high in his hand. I watched in horror as I ran through the woods and he tried to grab me, barely a hair away from gripping the back of my shirt .

By this time I'm starting to feel.

I can feel everything from that moment in the woods. The humid air hitting my warm skin to all the rocks, leaves, and sticks I ran over. I could feel my lungs burning with the lack of oxygen and I could feel myself slowly giving up but the adrenalin driving through my veins seem to never disappear.

I continued watching as I saw a clearing on the screen through the woods and heard familiar voices.

I quickly turn away from the screen and I hear my mother click it off. I close my eyes and I continue watching my thoughts but not on a magical screen but..... my mind?I'm watching as I break through the clearing, watching through my own eyes as I called for help and gasped on air as I near the five boys staring at me with horrified expressions. I can see one lift up a phone to his ear and a smile makes it's way onto my lips.

That moment is short lived though.

A sharp ringing is sounded throughout the air and bounces around in my ears as I feel a also sharp pain in my side. I feel myself falling to the ground before I even know what's happening. Curious as to what hit me, I take my hand and tenderly press it to my side and immediately feel something warm and wet. When I lift it back to my my face I see red covering my hand and I instantly feel myself becoming farther and farther away from the world.

The last thing I hear are the scream of the five guys and sirens in the distance.

When I open my eyes I remember everything after that. Being adopted by One Direction. Flying to England and having a nightmare on the plane. Having a thing with Harry..... wait? That's why he always looked depressed! I never remembered him. The last new thing I remember is Louis having a break down and running off and all of us going to look for him. The next image in my mind makes me want to cry but I can't. The tears on the edge of shedding don't go over and I'm stuck with the image in my mind. The cause of all of this.

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