Chapter 36

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So yeah it's probably been over a month but you know school and all.

Anyways.... Here the update :)


(Harry pov)

"People! Guys calm down!" Paul yells over the frantic screams of everyone around me. Everyone quiets down and stares at his emotionless face, theirs completely opposite with panic etched into their faces.

"We will find them, okay? So just everyone calm down." He sighs. "I will try to get in contact with the London police department but for the time being everyone just..... relax, alright?" After that he swiftly turns around and Marches up the stairs, his cell phone already in his hand.

"Well this is just fucking great!" Louis fists his hands in his hair, taking a seat next to me. "We can't even open the fucking doors!" He yells, frustration leaking in his words as he throws his head back into the couch.

Everybody woke up as usual this morning. Zayn taking forever in the bathroom, Niall raiding the fridge and louis watching some jerry springer while sipping some of his favorite Yorkshire tea. Everything was as it should be until rachelles' scream echoed throughout the house. Foot steps were heard as everyone rushed upstairs to see what the matter was and as soon as we saw her knelling in Alisa's doorway, tears streaming down her face and a empty room in front of her we knew something wasn't right.

Zayn called liam repeatedly but he always got the same outcome, straight to voicemail. It was beyond aggravating to because we didn't know if whoever is working for Logan took them both or liam and her just went off and disappeared.

I'm honestly leaning towards the second option no matter how much I'd rather neither be happening right now. I just want her to like me again like old times, but I guess we can't always get what we want.

"Dammit! will you all just shut up!" Rach yells. Out of everyone I think all of this is hitting her the hardest. The talking ceases as I raise my head from looking at my sock clad feet on top of the blue carpet of the living room. She's pacing now in front of the TV that remains off, the power had mysteriously gone out last night, with her hands clenched tightly at her sides.

Some might think she's over reacting. That Alisa will return sooner or later and all of this will blow over. There's a feeling inside me saying that's wrong and I honestly can't get rid of this feeling no matter how much I try. Right before my eyes I hear a heart breaking whine escape Rach as she collapse to her knees, he hands covering her face as she sobs for the lost of her friend.

Niall's the first one to rush to her side, putting his arms around her as she shoves her face in his neck. I hesitantly stand up from my hunch over position on the couch and knell beside her, rubbing soothing circles in her back while whispering complete lies like "everything's gonna be okay" or "she's fine and she'll be back" when in reality I didn't know if anything I just said was true myself.

Louis and Zayn didn't know what to do with their selfs so they settled on trying to get service on their phones. It's like the whole world ended this morning. None of us could get service on our phones and then the power going out to the doors not being able to open which really scares me.

I've always had a fear ever since I was little of dying in a fire, to be alive while the fire cooks your flesh and you feel the lights in your eyes slowly leave your body as the flames take over in a flash. I used to wake up screaming from that nightmare quite often actually and I can still sometimes feel the inch of the Flames sticking to my skin from those dreams.

A broken voice drags me back from that dark thought though. "Wh-what are we going to do? We can't just sit here and do nothing!" Rach sniffles and wipes her nose on her sleeve, her hazel eyes full of hope yet at the same time filled with dread.

"What else can we do? We can't open the doors to go looking for them, and we can't call for help." Zayn whispers, looking at his phone.

By this time everyone was ready to give up. It was halfway through the day and we have gotten nowhere. Paul still can't get service and the rest have given up on their cell phones. Luckily, a plan was storming through my mind. I don't know if it will work but it's better than doing nothing.

Later that night I walked quietly down the hall to Niall's room so I could tell him of my plan that's been rolling through my head all day, new ideas coming here and there at random moments and different techniques that could be possible. I knocked quietly on his door and opened it when I heard a soft " come in" on the other side before stepping in and shutting the door behind me.

Niall was laying in bed, Rach laying asleep cuddled against his side while he was trying to get his internet to work on his laptop. He looked up when I sat at the end of his bed and laid the laptop on the side table before asking. "You okay harry? I mean I know that a lot is going on but-." "Yes I'm fine." I interrupt his rambling. I slowly lean towards him until I'm at least five feet from his face. "I have a plan."


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