Chapter 37

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OMG I have gay bacon!! You know the sour air heads that are all rainbow color and........ Ugh nvm that's not important :) gah I missed you guys so much! SOOO here's your update ^.^

(Harry pov)

"How do you know this is going to work?" Niall asks, clasping his thin, Pale arms around his stomach looking at me like I was crazy. I grabbed the pen I found laying around his room and drew a picture of the little secret room in the basement. "This is the secret room." I pointed the pen at the little square inside a bigger square before continuing. "Inside this secret room is a window possibly big enough to get us through." I look back up at Niall as his lamp creates a glow on his face. "But all the windows throughout the house are locked also, how do we know this window is going to open?" He asks pointing to the giant window behind their bed.

"I've been down there, that's how I know of this secret room. When Alisa couldn't remember me i couldn't take it so I found a place just for me. " he gives me a sympathetic look but I slowly shake my head at him. "Anyway.... I've tested the window myself before the power went off and it doesn't have a electronic lock, it's wooden and old. Like that part of the house was part of the old one that use to sit here."

"Ok so say we got out, then what? We don't know where they are." Niall had bags under his eyes and I felt really bad for waking him up but this was more important. "Paul put a tracker in all of our phones right?" I asked quirking an eyebrow. Instantly a light switch flipped in the blondes head as his posture fixed and his eyes brightened.

"Oh my god! That's right he did. Why didn't we think of this before?!"

I grabbed my flashlight before getting off his bed and walking towards the door. "We should probably go inform Paul." I whisper before opening the door and walking out. I click my flashlight on, noticing all the lights being off and continue walking when I hear Niall's foot steps behind me. We walk all the way to the top floor and finally make it to his room.

I looked at Niall before bringing my hand up and gently knocking on the wooden door. After a few seconds of no one answering I knock a little harder and I finally hear movement and groaning. When the door finally opens a Paul with bed head and eyes that are half closed opens the door. "What do you two want?" He asks, his
Accent making his words harder to understand.

I gently step by him and lead him to his bed while Niall closes the door and joins us. "We have a idea." I start. "You put a tracker in all of our phones, correct?" Paul nods to the question. " Good to know. Anyway there's a window in the basement with a wooden lock..." "Which means it can still be opened." Niall finishes for me. Paul even though still half asleep tries to put all the clues together and when he does its like a light bulb went off.

"Do you know what this mean?!" Paul leaps up and starts to put his cloths on. "It's means we can get out of here and and track down Liam, I have a feeling he's the one working for Logan so that means we have to do something about the cameras in the halls before we do anything."

Why would Liam do this to us? He was always the responsible one. I just don't get it! "You coming harry?" Niall asks. I look up and push my curls out of my face to see Paul has already walked from the room and Niall's standing near the door waiting for me. "Yeah." I answer

Why Liam?


I'm so very sorry that I haven't updated in forever. Just basketball season started which meant cheerleading started and gah it's just a little stressful. I just felt really bad so I decided to update for I have exams next week. I hope yall don't hate me too much. Remember to follow and comment and if you want any help or tips on books just message me.

Love always,
-fluffy ❤️

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