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Soo hey I know I just updated this morning but yeah my friend racheal will kill me soo!! Yeah anyway here's chapter 6! Enjoy my lovelies!!


(Niall pov) yay!

I woke up just like any ordinary day, getting out of bed and stretching my muscles and hurrying to the kitchen. I love food!! I go and look into the other boys rooms and find Liam so he can make me breakfast. "Liiiiammm!!" I yell from the doorway, "I want food!" He doesn't reply though, he just turns over and grumbles something I don't even understand. Ugh my stomach is eating itself!! I know it sounds very unhealthy to. I quietly tip toe to Liam's bed and spring Into action.

I jump on his back and scream" Liam Liam Liam!! I want food! Will you please make me food?" Ha he won't so no to that. While I'm saying this Liam shoots up causing me to land on the bed and I grunt from the impact. By this time Louis comes rushing in with a toaster, harry with a butter sock, and zayn with a can of hairspray. Woah if we got mobbed we would be damned!

"What happened?!" Yells harry, swinging his butter sock around like a mad man, making me bust at laughing. "Nothing just nialler here wanted food so he decided to attack me." Explains Liam and I can feel the rest of the boys eyes on me, causing me to blush and look at my feet.

"Well how about we go make food then? Suggests Louis putting his toaster under his arm pit." We have to get ready anyway for our sound check and vocal practices anyway in a hour." Everyone agrees and heads out but I'm first in the kitchen fifteen minutes later, getting a smell of chocolate pancakes that Harry's baking.

After I eat like 6 pancakes and toast, which Louis had to replug the toaster to make and got ready for our long day.


"That was great guys!" Said out vocal coach mike, "Liam you were a little flat, and harry your going to low but besides that, y'all are perfect. We smile at him, rushing out the doors. "I'm starving!" I pout, looking at Liam with my puppy dog eyes knowing he can't resist the urge to buy me dinner, it's like 7pm already and I haven't ate in hours.

"Yeah where should we go lads?" Ask zayn, looking up from his phone to look at us. "Let's go to nandos!" I yell, jumping up and down. Harry chuckles "Niall we are in America, they don't have a nandos." I felt my heart drop and I fall to the ground faking my own death and I can hear the guys laughing. "W-what?" I cry. "How will I survive?" Louis has his thinking face on, his blue eyes looking upward with his fingers tapping his chin like his thinking awfully hard. "How about a Mexican restaurant?" Louis suggest

I spring back to my feet in one movement and jump on Louis and give him a bring sloppy kiss on the check. "Aw Lou that's the best idea you've ever had!" I squeal hugging him tighter and slowly letting go.

"I guess we should start walking then, the restaurants just a few blocks away." Says harry, pointing down a few streets and beyond. "Yeah I guess." I agree sadly, I'm all about food but I hate exercising!

We are almost a block away when we hear screaming and heavy foot steps coming from the woods to our left and gun shots being fired. That doesn't sound good I thought, look in over to Liam I can tell he's thinking the same thing and grab his phone to call the police. Suddenly a young girl about 16 or 17 steps out of the woods, panting for breath and sweat covering her short, curvy body. Her blue eyes are watering and her blond wavy hair is sticking to her forehead and I can tell she's in pain. Yet she hasn't noticed us we see a older man with a gun raise it at her and that's when we hear sirins in the background.

It's too late I think. There was already a gun shot heard and it's ringing in my ears. Next thing I know she crumples to the ground, looking lifeless but the mans smiling. SMILING!! And that smile feels me with anger. The older man sees us and starts walking towards us but is stoped by 3 police officers attacking him to the ground.

I suddenly feel a hand gripping my shoulder so I look up and see all the boys eyes watering and their mouths open with shock and I bet I was wearing the same expression.

The ambulance pulls up and they put the girl on a stretcher and she's still not moving. I run to her side as fast as I can, hearing the boys yelling my name but I don't care. I need to ride with her. I need to make sure she's Alive. When I reach her, her left side is covered in blood and she looks sickening pale. The paramedics try to push me away but I don't let go of her arm.

They starting cutting her shirt off to calm the bleeding until they get her to the hospital and I instantly grip her hands and look in my lap. Not wanting to be rude from looking and next we are loading into the ambulance heading to the hospital with the mystery girl.


Hey lovely readers! I wanted to let y'all read nialls side of the story so here's his pov! Hope y'all enjoyed it I didn't writing it! I really want over 50 reads before I get to chapter 8 btw. Thanks for reading!

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