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Heyy I'm so grateful for the 90 reads I'm getting and I just love y'all guys so much!! Anyway thought y'all should know that and here is chapter 13, lazy song.


(Harry pov)

Today has been the longest day of my life. The worst of it all though was when out "fans" attacked poor ally. Yeah i gave her that nickname, I think it's cute.

"We will be there in 30 minutes guys." Paul exclaimed. I am so tired, most of the guys already fell asleep. Niall was hugging a bag of chips for dear life and Zayn asleep against the window. Liam and Louis are cuddling somewhat but it looks very uncomfortable since Niall took most of the room.

Turning my head over, the only thing I see is Ally's head against the seat as soft little snores come from her thin pink lips. I know I shouldn't feel this way about a girl I've only known a week but you really can't do anything about who you lov...... Do I love her? I can't I'm sure it would just scare her away. She probably hasn't been loved right in a while though.

Brushing her blond fringe from her face I lean over and kiss her cheek, letting my lips linger longer than they should. Slouching a little I take a deep breath and finally close my eyes to get some well needed sleep.

------- -------- --------

"Lads wake up we're here." I feel myself jump up and make a few ninja moves into the air. Laughter fills the van from the other boys but quiet down. "Um harry by any chance were you dreaming of being a ninja?" I look up and notice that the other lads had left besides Niall. I just shake my head and turn around to see that Ally's there. I start panicking when I notice she isn't and sprint out of the car, leaving Niall behind dieing of laughter from my sudden escape.

Busting through the giant double doors, I look throughout the 1st floor. "Harry are you okay, you look like you've seen a ghost?" I look behind me to find Liam, rubbing a hand down his face and through his hair."where's Alisa?" I manage to croak out."awe Haz that's why your acting like this? Don't worry Louis put her to bed." I suddenly clench my hands into fist and can feel my eyes darkening with anger."what room is she in?, Liam I need to know now!"

Liam flinches with my hard tone and I soften a little, not wanting to hurt him because of my stupid jealously. "First door on the right, s-second floor."

I send him a apologetic smile before rushing two flights of stairs to her room. When I get up there he better not be when her room.

Finally making it to her door, I slowly open it and am faced with the most adorable thing in the world. Ally's cuddled into a ball on her side.she doesn't know how beautiful she is and it pains me that anyone would want to hurt her. Her brows all furrowed like she's thinking and her thin lips in a little smile.

Going over and kissing her forehead I head back to my room. Should I tell her?


Honestly I don't think this is my best chapter but it's just a filler for now. OMG over 100 reads!! I'm so happy I love y'all so much! :) hope y'all liked it I'm gonna update in a little while and it's gonna blow y'all's socks off!!

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