I just wanna run

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Yes baes I'm gonna name the chapters from random song titles that best fits the chapter to let y'all have a hint of what's happening. Well here goes nothing

I'm running and all I can see are trees blurring in my vision by the unshed tears that are still yet to come, but I can feel myself breaking.

I can hear him on my trail too and I'm terrified and I have no one to go to and for a moment I think about giving up. They always say a witness is never left alive right? But I was a witness and that makes the difference of wether I should keep going or just let him kill me.

No! I have to keep going I shout to myself. At least for my mothers sake, she should would want me to justify her wouldn't she? That's all the boost I needed until I'm sprinting to the police station that I can see from here, a mile away but of course I mess that up to. I fell from the slippery sidewalk and ram head first in the pavement and I already know he's caught up to me. The thing that surprises me the most though is that I hear a gun shot, and I fall unconscious again for the second time today.


"Maybe we should let her be Niall, she's still asleep." I hear a voice say to my left. Wait where am I? Why can't I open my eyes? I can't move either! Calm down Alisa, I tell myself and soon enough I do but I still can't move but I can still hear voices.

"She looks so young." Replies a broken voice, also on my left but theirs a slight accent, Irish I think. "Her chart says she's 16." Sounds another unfamiliar voice somewhere in my room. Um so I'm in a hospital at least I'm a little safer than before. Wait how many people are in my room? When I try and open my eyes I finally get them to a crack and slowly they begin to fully open. I soon regret it though as the bright lights burns my blue eyes and I quickly snap them shut with a whimper and everything goes silent in the room again.

A few minutes pass and I blink my eyes a few times to adjust to the light and this time I do slowly and am met with 3 unfamiliar faces but I somehow feel like I've seen them before. As I notice their all males to I get really insecure and I don't know what for because I'm covered in a gown and two blankets.

I suddenly notice also that two out of all three are standing but the shorter blond one has his head in his hands. The other guys see that I've noticed this too and steps over to my side of the bed slowly but I still flinch and see that they look a little taking aback and sad about it but now isn't the time if u asked me.

I look at them a little braver and speak,"h-hey- um w-who are y-you?" I can't help but stutter, what would you sound like if you got raped again by your boyfriend and them witness your father kill your own mom and than come after you, only to be woken up in a hospital room full of older teenage guys that looks like they haven't sleep well. Exactly.

At the sound of my shaking voice the younger looking one snaps his head up and looks straight into my eyes that I have to look down a minute later. His face upsets and not because of his looks just me he's adorable, I'm upset because there are bags under his sky blue eyes and tear trails tracing down his pale cheeks and the only color he has is the red from biting his lips every now and then.

I'm suddenly ripped from my observation of my hands though when I hear a deep voice speak. "You really don't know who we are?" Asks the guy with deep, dark brown eyes and black hair and he sort of remind me of Logan so I scoot a little farther away after he asks his question which I simply shake my head to.

Then I heard my room door open and in step two more young looking guys that are laughing at something funny until they see I'm awake. Then it clicks, imagines of the X factor flash through my mind. This can't be happening.. .


(AN) Soo I'm Doing pretty well I think! I'm finally getting to the real stuff if you know what I mean ;) haha jk anyway I have homework and a lot of quizzes this week so this might be my last update until Wednesday! Say BEAutiful lovely readers 😝

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