Chapter two

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Hey so this is chapter two! Enjoy I know it's not fantastic it but oh well!


School went by slower than I even imagined it would, but I'm finally in my last class of the day. When the bell rings I'm up in a flash and out the door before anyone else. "Alisa you okay?", I turned around and was face to face with someone I really didn't want to see. Logan.

At first I just star blankly at him, he usually goes off with his Dumb ads friends after school. Why is he even caring how i feel? When I don't answer he steps closer and take my hand, roughly dragging me to his car. When I get in the car and put my seat belt on, he turns and looks at me. Ok now I'm nervous. "What is wrong with you?" He yells, I flinch I knew this was coming." You never talk to me anymore!" When I still don't answer he jerks my chin so I have to look at him."Since when are you wanting to hang out with me?" I yell, " your always with your stupid friends that are nothing but shit to me!" At this his entire face gets red and I can almost see steam coming out of his ears. Yep not the best idea I just had there.

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