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I love creating a world that I can actually see happening. If your a talented writing you know what I mean it's like you can visualize it while your reading or writing it and I love it! Anyway here's chapter 8 I think, Break even!


(Alisa pov)

He doesn't look happy at all. That stupid voice inside my head was right! I'm never safe I always end up ruining it somehow.

With every step he takes toward me I shake a little more and he smiles at me. That stupid half smile that looks evil and cute at the same time but knowing what's behind that smile is worse because I know what's coming next.

He sits on my right side on the bed and looks at me. Shaking his head like he's ashamed. "What did you do Alisa?" He asked lacing our fingers together and I know better than to pull away, the dull throbbing in my cheek reminds me why.

"I-i d-didn't do anything." I state not looking up at him. "Look at me." He demands and when I don't he jerks my head up for me and I'm Instantly blinded by white pain behind my eyes. "Look at me Alisa." He says a little louder and this time I do, looking him straight in his face with no emotion on mine, feeling emotional drained but I don't even remember everything that happened.

"Of course you did something wrong, your just a stupid silly girl that nobody loves." He says with a smirk on his lips.

I close my eyes and snatch my hand from his realizing the tight grip he has on it. I feel another sharp pain on my other cheek instantly knowing who caused it."Get out." I mumble lowly. "What did you just say bitch?" He asks his voice rising. I take a deep breathing knowing there's going to be hell to pay.

"I said get out, we're over!" I yell not even caring anymore. He looks at me surprised for a moment but it's immediately replaced with pure boiling anger and grabs me by my forearms and shakes me. "You can't end this, you're always gonna be mine Alisa, no one can save you." He yells and punches me straight in the eye. I immediately curl up, holding my eye and hear the door open again.

"What the hell?!" Yells Niall and Liam, seeing me curled up holding my bruised face with Logan still towering over my with his fist raised. Then I hear a lot of grunting and fighting going on but I don't look up, that is until Logan is carried away by security yelling,"I'll be back Alisa! Your never safe from me!" Then it's quiet and all I can hear is Niall and Liam's hard panting.

"A-are you okay?" Asks a small voice that is Niall's and I instantly nod my head not looking up. I feel my bed stink in again but not being afraid this time. I hear him release a deep breath"we'll get through this together." He says rubbing my back,"Trust me."

Oh how I wish I could Niall.


Hey so she's still in the hospital, but she'll soon be free! Ugh I have eoc (end of course) testing coming up and pass which is basically a huge testing seeing wether I'll pass or not. So wish me luck!

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