Never safe

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YAY! Two updates in a day!! Hope y'all like this chapter it's gonna get interesting!! Which reminds me have you ever wanted to go to Narnia but your closet never opens that door?? I have that problem all the time!! Anyway enjoy!!


(Logan's pov)😱

I can't believe that bitch, if she thinks she can just walk out of my life like that and not get punished she's so very wrong.

"Is the house ready?" William nods "yes we have connected all the cameras in every room and all the locks are under our control sir." Feeling impressed I pat him on the back."good job you can have the rest of the day off."

He quickly thanks me with a big smile and heads out the headquarters door. Turning back to the big screen, I'm met with a sleeping Alisa. None of them know about the cameras so when my plan follows through I can't wait to see their reactions!

To say this plan was good would be a understatement, it's great as hell if you ask me. Even her father is helping me from behind bars which I'm not sure how.

Slouching in my big rolly chair, I look around the gigantic room and take it all in. The big bright lights that litter the tall ceilings to the polish white floors and walls covered in maps while the rest of the room is full with people and computers.

I never knew I would be in this position if I'm honest. I truly loved Alisa but I loved power a lot more. Being with her after I meet her father was just to be near her dad to get assignments without her finding out. I don't even think she knew about her dad being a villain spy, I mean in this business, outside people can't know about us but he saw something in me he just couldn't refuse.

Spinning back to the screen, I'm met with the worst sight of my life. Louis fucking Tomlinson, looking at Alisa with a look of adoration writing across his feminine features. I don't know why he's even in the band! First off he's a faggot and second of all he can't sing!(A/N I hated writing this part I love Louis!! So please don't hate me) I felt my hands clutch into fist and I bet you if it was possible I would have steam coming out of my ears.

I continued watching though, I watched as he leaned over and kissed her cheek, letting his lips linger for far to long and I watched as he disappeared through the door. Not even 10 minutes and a very pissed off Harry styles comes through the door but he's frown is quickly removed once he takes in the view of Alisa.

Once again I hate this! I can't believe they took her away from me. I own her. I'm the one who took her virginity so she's mine. I'm beyond pissed as I see him leaning to kiss her other cheek. finding the remote I cut off the screen before his lips make contact, before she smiles feeling his lips on her skin and snap the remote at the wall. Watching as it break into millions of pieces.

"Alisa you might thing your safe from me but your beyond that." I mumble under my breath. Your never safe.


Ohhhh so Logan's pissed!! What do you think he will do?? Do you think anyone will find the cameras??? I hoped y'all liked it I think I did a decent job on it ;) If I get over 200 reads I'll update again today!(Just Saying) anyway vote, comment what ya think.... AND stay BEAutiful!!

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