How to save a life

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Heyy so I see that over 20 people have read this story and thanks to y'all who have. Now I shall not make y'all wait any longer, plus if I did my two best friends will shoot me because they are hooked!



My heart was suddenly beating twice as face and my hands were getting sweaty. Why are they in my hospital room. I wondered. The room is too bright and it feels like everything's closing in but I'm not freaking out because one directions in my room, no I'm not really a fan. No, but what I am freaking out over is that on my left side is a white bandage that is under my gown but I can see the big spot of redness through the thin material. I gulp noisily and instantly feel sick and that's when I start feeling major pain.

Everyone's eyes are on me while I look down to my side but when I try and lift my head, pain ripples through my body and I quickly close my eyes. I'm not sure how I passed out or when but when I woke up again I could tell it was night time and my room was empty. Was it all a dream?

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I open my eyes a few hours later after falling asleep again, not wanting to be awake when the nurses came in and started poking me with needles In the middle of the night. Im Looking at the ceiling now and thats when I notice im alone again and start to wonder if they all were really here. I sigh deeply, rubbing the sleep out of my tired eyes and look for the tv remote where I find it siting on a table across the room on a brown side table.

I goan loudly, just perfect. I slowly get up to get it and remember my bandage on my side, but I push that thought away thinking I've been in worse conditions.Pushing the covers off my legs I slowly swing my feet to the floor and wince slightly at the pain but I get up anyway. Putting all my weight on my feet, I start hesitantly walking to the table and grab the remote and start heading back. On the way back though my legs start wobbling horribly and I find myself flat on my butt. That's when the door opens and in steps harry and Zayn, looking at me on the floor with a confused expression.

They look back at each other and sprint to my spot on the floor, they move to fast for my liking and I flinch, curling in on my self and hearing the bandage wrinkle. Harry squats down to my level and puts two fingers under my chin, lifting my head so I can look into his emerald green eyes. At first he doesn't say anything and just looks over my facial features but starts talking soon enough." Let us help you up Alisa, please?, he pleaded never leaving my gaze," we won't hurt you."

Those four words sent a shiver up my spine and my eyes started tearing up. I've heard that saying to many times to believe that. He looks at zayn with his curly hair getting in the way with a questioning look, like he was saying" what are we going to do,"when I didn't reply to him. I take a deep breath, drawing their attention and nod slowly, and start getting to my feet but I soon feel two pairs of hands helping me up and to my bed where I'm tucked in and handed the remote I dropped when I fell. Which reminds me, why don't I feel pain anymore? I lift my head moving my blond hair out of my face with my shaking hands and click on the tv, noticing harry and zayn looking at me from the side.

Pretty soon after 10 minutes their stares are making me annoyed so I turn my head sharply." What are y'all two staring at?" I snapped, they were really getting on my nerves. They looked shocked for a moment, both pairs of eyes widen in shock with their mouths hanging open, and I almost have to keep myself from laughing at their fish faces but I keep my stone cold stare on them.

This time Zayn speaks" How are you so strong?" He asked with disbelieve clear in his voice." Don't you remember you were shot?" I feel my eyes widen this time and before I know it there are tears trailing my cheek bones to my chin and landing on my lap and my eyes snap back to my side. So that's why I have a bandage, I thought. When I feel one side of the bed sunk in, I lift my head to see zayn looking at me with so many emotions in his eyes and harry kneeling on the floor near to tears. Why are they crying? D-do they actually care? The little voice inside my head laughed.

"Ha like they care for you, no one else does." It spoked with venom dripping with each word and I shake a little.

"Love, are you okay? You look really pale." I hear harry asked

I look up and give them my fakest smile and nod my head," yeah I'm fine, thanks." I reply in a hushed voice but with a smile clear on my face. They look at each other, then me again and smile back and give me a tight hug and this time I didn't move.

They don't need to know. I'll just pretend I'm fine and they will never have to know , I thought as I look at them again as they head out the door I'm guessing to get the others. Just smile and be happy your safe I told myself

"Your never safe Alisa, even when you think you are you will ruin it somehow and you know it. That's why your a fake around everyone!" The voice says again

Oh my god I just want to end this so bad,But I can't now at least not yet. I just have to put my mask back on and pretend I'm a perfect girl with a prefect home life. As I'm about the close my eyes I hear the door open, I look up and automatically panic and I can hear my heart on the monitor next to me.

He closes the door and starts walking to me with a evil smirk clear on his face. No it can't be! I should've told them at least about him! I back up against the head board and bring my knees to my chest and start breathing faster and that's when I feel a different pain. One on my cheek, I just got slapped by that bastard and I feel tears prickle my eyes but I don't cry, not in front of him.



(AN) hey so this chapter is longer but I wanted to move things a little faster now to get the story rolling! Hope you liked it! Vote and comment ideas and maybe you could be in the story to :)

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