Chapter 33

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Yay! Double update!! This one should get the climax rolling plus I felt bad for my last chapter so.... Thanks for reading anyway c:


(Alisa pov)

"Wow." I whisper as I take in our hotel room. "This is amazing. You didn't have to do this." I turn back towards the door which Liam was just now closing. "It's fine really. Im glad you like it." He sets our bags down and comes behind me and wraps his around my waist. The room, if you can call it that, is huge. The floors are white and shiny and the walls were white too with paintings and random objects hung wherever to make it look good. In the living area were black leather couches, a flat screen and any game system you could think of.

"I have some business to take care of so do whatever you would like and I should be back in a hour. You'll be okay right?" Liam's breath tickled my ear as he talked and I felt myself nod. He quickly kissed my cheek before leaving and closing the door. Now what to do?

After about five minutes I'm undressing myself of my cloths and hoping in the shower. The bathroom has the same theme as the rest of the place with white tiles and black cabinets. The shower is the type that's see through but on the inside it has a bench you can sit on and any kind of toiletries you could think of.

I wash my body and hair as quickly as I can when I start feeling my eye lids droop. Taking one step out I realize to late that water is covering the floor and feel myself falling. On the way down I hit my head on the sink next to the shower, next thing I know everything goes black..


I open my eyes but all that fills my vision is light and I realize I'm not in the bathroom anymore. I can't feel. I can't move. Am I dead?

"Alisa?" A woman I've missed so much appears in front of me. Her blue eyes identical to mine filled with sympathy. Dark blond hair waves down her back as the long, white dress she is wearing sways with her movements. Thing is, she isn't moving.

"Mom. I'm scared." My voice shakes, tears threatening to run down my checks but I blink them away. She slowly walks to me until she's less then five feet in front of me and grabs my hand. "I know baby. Don't be because your hear to get something back. Your memory." Her thin lips stretch over her teeth as she pulls me with her. In another great white flash I'm watching a..... screen?

"Mom.... what is this?" Awestruck is clearly in my voice as I take in the giant blank screen. "This is where all your memory's are. You ready?" She asks. I slowly nod my head. My eyes never leaving the black screen.

She clicks something and the motionless screens pops to life with colors and motion. I lean closer to get a better look. Just when I thought my life couldn't be turned upside down anymore. It proves me wrong.


Honestly this is like the best chapter I have written in a while. Haha. Remember to vote and comment and thank you to who have. I GREATLY APPRECIATE IT! ^.^ hope everyone who has started school again have a good year also!

Love always,


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