Give me love

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Soo I'm going to see if it's going to let me update this chapter that I have written over 4 times now!! Please be patient I'll write y'all another chapter in advance because I love you and this is probably making y'all as mad as it is me!! Well let's see what happens!!😭

(Alisa pov).

The next morning I wake up to pale pink walks, the light blinding me and Louis downstairs in the kitchen threatening Liam with a spoon. Why are they so loud?? Don't get me wrong it's great and all living with them but it's sure gonna get awkward when I have to ask them for feminine stuff if you know what I mean.

Siting up in bed, I feel like I just got hit by a bus. My head and foot is throbbing and I really need to pee. "Hey Alisa, breakfast is ready. You might want to hurry if you want any food before Niall gets to it. Liam's smiles at me from the door and I smile back before pushing off the black comforter. Hey I'm in different cloths but I don't remember changing. I think Liam notice I was freaking out and steped into my rooming, sitting down on my bed before speaking.

"Don't worry none of us changed you, our maid Linda did." He explained. Hearing that I relax alittle, I don't want them seeing my scars.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts again by Liam's voice" you need help getting down to the kitchen love?" I look at my foot and then the hallway, back to my foot before nodding. I'm to sleepy to walk with a fractured foot anyway.

Carefully he slips a arm around my waist, being careful with my side and lifts me off the bed and basically carried me down the hallway. Finally making it to the kitchen I take it all in. I think I'm in love! It's huge and it has a island, black cabinets and white tiles. "Alisa!!" Chirps Niall, running at me and gives me a hug before helping me to a seat beside Liam and Zayn.

A minute later harry sets a plate of food in front of me. God the curls and dimples will be the death of me. He just stands there, wearing a pair of sweats dangerously low on his hips with a tight black t-shirt. I must've zoned out because next thing I know I have a giant tan hand in front of my face.

"Earth to Alisa! You okay? You zoned out." Zayn smirked like he knew I was checking harry out but who wouldn't he's like sex on legs for crying out loud!!

"Y-yeah I'm fine." I look down to hide my blush and eat the rest of my food, noticing that Niall's still eating. Hasn't he already had like 3 plates?

After breakfast we make our way to the movie room, I had to get Liam to help me again."So lads and lady's what should we watch?" Zayn clasped his hands before bending down and surfing through the movies they had.

"How about a scary one?" Suggests Louis, slouching on one side of the couch opposite of me. Everyone nods at the movie Sinister Zayn lifts up and Niall leaves to make popcorn. I can't believe he's still hungry.

Five minutes later he comes back and sits with Liam on a little couch and harry sits next to me and Louis. Zayn in the recliner in the corner.Liam picks up a remote that turns the lights off which I though was amazing. NO MORE WALKING BITCHES! He finds another and presses play.

Sometime during the movie I feel Harry's big hand take mine in his and lace our fingers together. I feel a blush creeping up on my cheeks but I keep my gaze on the screen. On one part I jumped and his arm instantly wraps itself around my waist and I can't thing of anything else. Well that is until my thoughts are interrupted my a girly scream coming from Zayn which he immediately try's to cover up with a cough and then Niall's on Liam's lap going"SAVE ME LILI! SAVE ME FROM THE EVIL BOX!"

I must've dozed off because when I wake up everyone's gone beside harry and I."well hey sleepy head." My heart instantly skips a best at his deep, raspy voice. Looking up into his eyes I knew right then and there I was falling for him hard.

His brows furrowed a little like he was thinking and his mouth opens and closes like a fish out of water."c-can I try something?" I'm so confused but I just mumble a quiet okay that sounded more like a question.

He begins to slowly lean in, his green eyes never leaving my blue ones and it's not until I can feel his breath fan my face that I realize how close we are and I swear I can hear my heart beat in my ears.

His rough plump lips met my soft ones and in that instant my body is tingling everywhere and it almost feels like a fire was ignited in my bones.

The kiss was slow and soft but at the same time it was full of love and passion. I pushed my fingers through his curls as his arms circled my waist and when the need for air was to great we broke apart.

Bright green meeting crystal blue, he smiled a shy smile like he couldn't believe what he just did.

"Ally will you be my girlfriend?"


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