Chapter 40

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So this is the last chapter everyone.... I'm sorry that it's been well over a month but I just had a bunch of problems I had to deal with. Anyway I hope you enjoy.

( 5 years later, third person)

Alisa smiles down at the ground as the priest continues talking about the meaning of marriage and what it stands for the couple. Her eyes come to meet green glassy eyes, as she bites her lip to keep her smile from taking over her face.

"The lovers decided to say their own vows." The priest stands back and allows the couple to talk. A giant hand covers Alisas and a deep voice begins talking. "Alisa. I remember the first time we met. I also remember the first time I realised that I loved you. Thinking back to everything we've been through I honestly can say it was all worth it to stand here in front of you on this beautiful day and smile at how gorgeous you look." He stops to lay his hand on her cheek while she nuzzles into it. "I honestly don't know what I would do without you angel. And nothing in the world could change that. I love you so so much."

Alisa takes a deep breath and tightens her hold on his hand before speaking. "I can't honestly believe how far I've come to be standing in front of you today. All my life I've always have felt that feeling something so strong for someone like this was unimaginable for me. And you flipped that upside down. I love you so much Harry and no matter what, I'm not going anywhere." She smiles warmly at Harry for a minute before turning to the priest and nodding.

"By the power invested in me. I now pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. Styles. You may kiss the bride."

Cheers of joy ring out around the chapel as both of them close their eyes with a smile on their lips, as they kiss for the first time as a married couple. Soon after everyone files out after them and joins the reception. While everyone is dancing and just enjoying themselves, niall and the rest of the boys gather around to talk to each other.

"I miss Liam." Niall whispers to everyone in their little huddle. "Me too but he's got to get better and do his time." Louis explains and pats niall gently on the back. They all fall silent after that and look into the distance at harry and Alisa slow dancing with big smiles and blushing cheeks. "I'm so happy for them." Zayn says, "I can't believe there isn't a One direction anymore either. It just seems like yesterday we were all shaking during our auditions." Everyone nods at the memory.

Then they all turn at the new voice that interrupted their silence. "Hey guys." April says, smiling with pretty red lips. Everyone says hi back and continues a new conversation.

After Liam was arrested, investigators discovered that April was a orphan because when Logan and his men kidnapped her, they killed both her parents so she had no one. Harry and Alisa adopted her and took her in.

A few hours later, everyone is sending off the groom and his bride for their honeymoon to Paris for the weekend. As Alisa is about to get into the car she looks around at everyone that is now her family with a small smile tugging at her lips and waves at them.

When she gets in the car, she's face to face with harry and they just can't stop smiling at each other and eventually harry pecks her lips and with eyes still close whispers "welcome home."

I would just like to thank all the readers who have survived and stayed during this whole book, even with my agonizing slow updates. I know the ending isn't at all the best and I'm sorry for that. I love each and everyone of you. I honestly don't know if I'm gonna continue writing other books or not yet either. Anyways just thank you so much everyone for the reads and votes. You are all truly the best.

Fluffy ❤️

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