Chapter 3

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So chapter 3! Yay


As Logan was driving, his grip on the wheel never loosened and now his knuckles were turning white. I didn't say anything the whole ride though, I didn't plan to. When he gets this way the best thing to do is keep quiet. As the car parked in his driveway my stomach tightened. No! This last time I was here I learned his true colors, let me tell you that was the worse experience ever!

When he got out of the car though I stayed I wasn't going in there without a fight and I guess he sorta figured that."c'mon, I'm not gonna hurt you I promise, I miss spending time with my girlfriend." He said walking closer to my door. Of course I knew I was gonna have to get out sooner or later but I just couldn't shake the feeling something bad was going to happen.

"Fine I'll get out, but you better keep your promise or I'm leaving and were over, got it?" I replied stepping out of the car." Sure, fine, whatever just hurry up." He said, pulling me through the front door of his house and into his room. Yes I know going into your boyfriends room with no one else in the house should be a red flag, right? Yeah I thought so to. So when he sat on the bed I gave an excuse that I had to use the bathroom and hoping maybe I could escape quietly.

" just come here babe." He said, ugh I really hate him and love him at the same time. So I went and sat beside him, but he had other plans. He swung his arms around my waist and put me on his lap, so I was straddling him and facing him too. "You know I really love your curves, he said while kissing my neck, " and your eyes." Great I could already feel him getting hard and his hands were moving farther down. If I moved though he would hit me.

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