Chapter 24

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I felt bad for nothing really moving forward so I'm creating this chapter and then my next update will be in 3rd pov. Love y'all so much!! 😘


(Logan pov)

Everything is going according to plan. If you haven't guessed yet, I hired the men in the truck that hit the car Alisa was in and I can't be happier with the results. The news and social websites are going crazy about their famous Harry Styles being in the car accident but were furious to find out that he wasn't alone.

Louis loving Alisa wasn't part of the plan at all but all I can say is it tied it together wonderfully. He might not know it or anybody else for that matter but I have someone working for me from the inside of the mansion their staying in. I can't wait to see their reactions.

"Today we have been informed that Alisa Brice, also known as the mystery girl from the harry styles car crash has awoken today. We have no further information on her condition but we also have news about styles himself. He has minor injuries so don't you worry directioners and join us next time---"

Grabbing my new remote for my tv screen, I cut the tv off and drum my fingertips across my desktop. Honestly I didn't think my plan would work this far. I thought the secruity team would've found my cameras already but I guess the whole Louis disappearing thing distracted them from snooping around and ruining everything.

"Any news from that boy of ours?" A deep, raspy voice emanates from the doorway. I knew who he was before even turning around.

"We got a call from him yesterday about Alisas condition." I turn around in my chair and look up at the older man I could call my own father. His dark blue eyes reminded me of Alisa, his dark red hair on the top of his head that was already starting to turn white was pushed back but still managed to wave and his glasses sat firmly on his nose.

He nodded, "and what's the girls condition?" I hand him the little clipboard I keep everything in from phone calls, texts, and bank accounts. Anything to make sure our cover isn't blown.

"Ah short term memory lost, surly we could use that to our advantage somehow, couldn't we?" A small smirk mades it's way on his thin lips and I mentally face palmed myself. Of course! We could get her to fall in love with the guy working for us and he can bring her back here!

" get everyone to gather in the council meeting room. We are having an important meeting on this plan. I thing we should change it alittle bit." He hands me the clipboard back and turns away from me, making his way to the council room.

"All council members and workers in the top compartment to the council room in five." I repeat this three times into the PA system until i see people flowing through the doors and decide to make my way over there.

"Okay everyone settle down! As you know about Alisa's condition, we are gonna use this information as an advantage!" I step beside him and look around the room as people turn to one another at his words.

"The get Alisa back plan is going swell like we hoped yet we are going to make a few minor changes. As y'all also know, we have a guy working for us from the inside. Logan and I have came to the conclusion that if we somehow get him to get her to fall in love with him, he could trick her into bringing her back here."

At that the whole room explodes.

"How do you know we can trust him? He could take us all down!"

"What if he's not careful enough? He's a teenager and reckless!"

Shouts an complaints were heard all over about how this idea could make everything we worked hard for fall to our feet.

Mr. Brice raised a hand, silencing the whole room in a seconds time.

"Now now he might be a teenager but our Logan is one as well and he seems pretty steady don't cha think?"

He pats his hand on my shoulder and a proud smile makes it's way upon his face when he looks down at me.

"Give the poor British lad a break." I look at all the people in the room, most of them from my age and up. I turn to Mr. Brice. "After all he is giving us information."

And with that I turn from the people in the room and head back into my office to watch the screens displaying the inside of the mansion.

There in the kitchen stands the guy working for us, he looks up his dark hair falling his eyes and sees the camera.

He takes a bite from his apple and winks in my direction. Then I knew it would all fall into place.


Another inside look of the mind of Logan! If y'all don't remember he is Alisa's' ex boyfriend that also abrused her with her dad.

OHHH!! Someone is helping them from the inside..... Can u guess who it is?!? Hoped y'all guys liked it! Remember to vote, comment and follow me!!

Love y'all very much!!


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