Chapter 31

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Hai!! Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I've been working on Gorgeous Green because I wanted five chapters up for that book to get it going and right now I'm on the fifth so wish me luck! Also sorry if you think this story is dragging but I really hate when story's are short and a lot of other people might to so yeah.

Enjoy ^.^


(Alisa pov)

It's been a week. A week since Liam kissed me and everything seems to be falling apart. Niall and Rachelle have been arguing nonstop. Louis keeps coming home bloodied and bruised and won't tell anyone what's going on. Harry's still the same but will look at me with such a depressed face and it's truly killing me. No memory's of him have surfaced yet and sometimes I find myself just wanting to fall to my knees and cry my eyes out but I don't.

Liam has been sneaking in my room late at night while everyone else is either asleep or busy. No we didn't do anything inappropriate. Little perverts. Mostly we cuddle and talk about everything that has happened in our life's and even though I'm with him I still feel so alone on the inside.

"You okay down there?" Liam whispers in the darkness of my room. It was passed one in the morning and he snuck in less than a hour ago. No one has said anything about us getting closer even though I can tell Zayn is starting to figure it out and will sometimes give Liam mean looks when he's not looking.

I nod my head against his chest. "Yeah just thinking." I pick up one of his hands, looking at how big they are compared to mine and a flash of green eyes pop into my head. Before I can even think about it, it's gone and I shake it from my mind. "What is that pretty, little mind of your thinking?" Liam asks, bopping a finger on my nose which causes me to scrunch it up, his laugh following after.

I turn so I'm on my back, my head on his stomach and my body inbetween his legs. I feel his fingers play with my blond hair, twisting the strands and braiding some pieces. A sigh leaves my mouth as his hands massage my scalp. Liam's a really nice guy, he's great even. He never gave up on me. A smile makes it's way into my lips at that last thought.

"I'm thinking about how everything seems to be going down hill now and I don't have a clue why." I'm beyond frustrated at this point. I feel like I'm constantly being watched too and I even got locked in the house once and I didn't even know that was possible since the lock was on the inside.

Liam hums in agreemend before talking. "I know what you mean. Like how Niall and Ray keep fighting over stupid things and I'm really worried about Louis." I nod to his words. "How about we leave, go on vacation? Just you and me?" I shoot up from my spot and straddle his hips, looking at him like he grew a second head. "Are you sure Liam? I mean it would be nice.... But what do we tell the others?" He takes in my words, linking our fingers together.

After a few minutes of thinking he answers. "Let's not tell them. Let's just leave with a note on the table because you know they will want to go then." He's right they would. Plus with the way Zayn's acting he wouldn't let me leave.

"Sounds great. When and where?" I stare into his light brown soft eyes. "How about tomorrow. While everyone's sleeping." Hmm that couldn't hurt. "Yeah but where?" I ask excitedly.

"What about California?"


Sorry it's kinda short but I felt bad neglecting the story and y'all are just amazing, truly. So I plan on ending it at 40 chapters hopefully and I'm really gonna miss this story. If y'all could just do me a quick favor, if your reading more than one of my books please comment which book is your favorite and why. I really want to get to know my readers instead of feeling like I'm writing to strangers . Haha anyway! Also my friend/crush got in a car wreck today. He wasn't hurt too badly just bruising from the seatbelt thank god! Remember to vote, and comment!! I love you all very much!!

Love always,


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