Chapter 30

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Yay!! The chapters a even number!!! Sorry so I'm thinking of ending this book around chapter 45. Maybe. It all depends if the story plays out like I have it in my mind because honestly I didn't even think this book through when I started... But look how far it got me! I have the best readers ever!!


(Alisa pov)

Right as our lips are about to meet the front door flies open and we both jump apart, my heart still beating miles per minute. Liam jumps to his feet first before taking my hand and helping me up to and leading us toward the front door. By the time we get there the doors was shut and muddy footprints littered the floor and towards the stairs. Is it one of the boys or did someone just break in?

Well that's stupid! If I was breaking into a house. One, I wouldn't come through the front door. Two, I wouldn't slam the door if it was unlocked in the first place. And three, I wouldn't leave any indication I was even inside. Looking down at the muddy footprints I can tell he really screwed up there.

"Stay here." Liam puts he's arm in front of me to keep me from moving as he walks up the stairs, no doubt following the prints. Now being the stubborn girl I am, I head upstairs not even five minutes later of Liam walking up them and doing as he did with the prints until I'm up the stairs and heading toward the second story bathroom where the prints end under the door.

I lean against it slowly. Pressing my ear against the cold wood of the door trying to hear anything that could be heard on the other side. I don't only hear one first though, I hear two!

"Ouch. Ouch! Liam! That hurt like I'm not even kidding that really really hurt!" whimpers are heard from the other side and I have to be wrong but that sounds a lot like Louis.

"Louis stop moving! It would hurt less if you would stand still." Oh so it is Louis then. Should I go in and help or....I don't know just continue listening? Before I could do anything the door starts to open and my balance all goes forward sense I was leaning against it and face plant into the door.

"Umm why are you on the floor?" Liam voice enters my ears and I feel my cheeks get hot from embarrassment. I can't believe I just face planted in front of the boy I almost kissed! "Ugh." I groan grabbing my face. "The floor wanted me to say hi?" Lame excuse I know but... No time for that now. I look back at Liam and can see Louis behind him with tissues shoved up his nostrils laughing his arse off. Wait. Did I just-? Oh my god I'm talking like them! I hurry to cover my ears to try and keep myself from thinking British thoughts. No I don't have a problem with British people. I actually adore their accents but this is just.... Odd.

"Need a hand?" Liam offers me a hand to help me off the ground and I gladly take one of my hands from my head and put it his while he picks me up. Now back on Louis who seems to have calmed down.

"What happened to you?" I take a look over him. His skinny jeans and shoes covered in mud and rain while his navy blue v neck is ripped in random places. Then you get to his face. The space under his nose is stained red from where it was bleeding and his lip seemed busted open while on his forehead a pretty decent size gash is sitting right above his right eyebrow and a bruise under his eye already turning purple. Honestly, he looked awful.

"Nothing too bad." He shrugs his shoulders like this happens to him everyday. I have to laugh a little though because just a minute ago he was going on about how much it was hurting. "Is that so?" I ask, crocking one of my hips out and resting my fist on the top of my sweats.

Liam comes back with a first aid, his hand brushing my side as he steps pass me muttering "excuse me" as he went. When did he leave? Louis sits on the toilet lid while Liam shuffles through the box pulling out cream, wipes and bandages. He rips open the wipe package and mutters something like "this might sting." Before gently dabbing the wipe on Louis forehead gash. Louis breath hitches and his fish clench but he doesn't move.

Liam throws the wipe away to dab some anti-bacteria cream on it before putting a nude bandage to cover it. He repeats this to Louis' lip, being extra careful not to get any in his mouth and putting a smaller bandage on it and taking out the tissues from his nose that has long sense stopped bleeding.

Louis gives him a hug before walking out, saying something along the lines of "getting clean cloths. Gonna take a shower." Before disappearing behind a door. By the time Liam cleans everything up and starts heading out I'm leaning against the door frame watching his every move. He moves so gracefully. Should u be able to call a man that? Ah I don't care it's true. It's like he plans out everything like he knows what his next step is and does it without hestitantion. It's simply not fair.

"How's your face?" Oh god what if he caught me staring. I bet he did and that's why he isn't standing next to me. "Umm it's fine now." I yawn rubbing my hand on the back of my next stretching. A low laugh comes from Liam as he closes the bathroom door after turning the light off and starts heading back down stairs. When he notices I'm not following he turns back around.

"You coming?" He asks. I think about it for a minute but another yawn escapes my mouth and my eyes lids get really heavy all of a sudden. "Nah I'm going to sleep." I start heading towards my room and right as I'm about to open my door I'm spun around and pressed against the wall. Warm lips are pressed to mine and I find my eyes closing to the smooth rhythm they make together and don't even think when my arms wrap Liam's neck and my fingers lightly pull on the back of his short hair. I feel myself smile against his lips when a sound of approval leaves the back of his throat.

Finally feeling a little light headed, I lean back . Separating our lips but pressing my head against his and it isn't until now that I realize I'm standing on his toes since he's taller than me. When I go to open my eyes I'm met with light brown eyes staring into mine and a small smirk playing on his lips before he pulls his hands that were resting on my waist one minute to his sides the next and backs up alittle.

"Goodnight Ally." Then he turns around and walks down the hall, disappearing down the stairs. I slowly turn around and open my door. My heart is pounding so fast but it's nothing like I thought it would be. I thought I would feel love, sparks. The whole nine yards! But I only felt lust and adoration. My head pounds with all these new feelings that I have as I climb into bed. Maybe I should just sleep on it? Yeah that seems to work a lot these days.

My eyes slowly start to drift close and I can already hear my breathing slowing down and before I know it. I'm dreaming.


Almost 600 READS!! OMG! I love y'all soo much!! So I hope this chapter makes y'all see how much y'all mean to me since it's a little longer. Ohh Louis gets beat up but doesn't say anything about it and then Liam and Alisa's not so passionate kiss! What will happen??? Anyway vote, comment. Even follow me if you want! Until next time... Stay BEAUtiful!!!

Love always,


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