Dont wanna go home

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Hey so I know I said I wouldn't update until I got over 50 reads and I wish I still did but I love writing this book so oh well! Anyway I also know that all that has happened is sad stuff so I'll lighten the mood a little!!


(Harry's pov)

It's been a week since Alise has been in the hospital and I'm quite happy that she has recovered so quickly. She finally gets to leave this hell hole and go home.

Home. Wait I just remember that her mom was killed and your dads in prison. What are we going to do?

Thinking this I didn't notice I zoned out and was looking at Niall who was staring back with a worried expression. "Harry are you okay there mate? I've been saying your name for the past five minutes." He's moves beside me and put a arm around my shoulder. I look up to his blue eyes remembering a pair just like them, ones that have seen so much pain so such a young age. Ones that are beautiful but she clearly doesn't see it. "What are you going to do about her when she g-gets out?" I ask, my voice shaking a little.

Niall looks at me and then to where Alise is sleeping and then back to me with a smile on his face. I know that look, he has a idea.

"What are you thinking about nialler?" I ask with a eyebrow raised. "Well" he starts, biting his lip " You care for her right?" I think about it and how I would love to take care of her. "Yes I really do" I say after a moment of thought

"And you really like her? Am I correct?"he went on with both his eyebrows raised and moving up and down. When he said that my heart increase it's pace and I could feel my cheeks warming up. Yes I really liked her even though I don't know her that well. Which sounds crazy I know but I just want her safe too.

He noticed me blushing and nudge my shoulder. "Yes I really do." I said looking down at my hands.

"How about we adopt her then?" I snapped my head as soon as the words left his mouth, he can't be serious could he. "I'm serious harry, she has no family left and we are not just going to leave her, plus she's under 18 so it's legal for us too."

I jumped up and dragged Niall to the hallway so we wouldn't wake her and hugged him with all my might! "Niall you are the best lad ever!" I more liked yelled Into his shoulder, he chuckled "it's not just me harry all the other lads agreed to." He said poking my dimple.

Alisa is finally getting out of here and I get to take her home. Far from here, away from all her worries


Soo styles likes our girl! I bet you a lot of y'all thought Niall did but no he was just being his adorable self! Anyway I hoped y'all liked it! Vote and comment😊

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