Fine by me

45 0 0

YAY! I almost have 50 reads! I'm so happy!! Y'all readers are the best and I'm really liked I actually published this book! Anyway I want y'all to know a little about me. My names Ashley and I really didn't become a fan of 1D till this year. If y'all have anymore questions comment or inbox me!


(Alise pov)

Niall and Harry thought I was asleep. Which i was half the time but I can get woken very easily now or that's how it seems. Anyway I heard Niall talking to Harry about adopting me. Really I should be happy and I am but I'm going to miss my friend Rachelle.

Right now I'm just looking at a wall on my hospital bed, finally in real cloths and ready to leave. A knock came from the door and in stepped my best friend .

A big smile formed on my face as she engulfed me in her arms. "I'm going to miss you so much." I cried into her shoulder. She pulled back from me, hazel meeting blue as our teary filled eyes met. "They haven't told you?" Her face had a questionable look plastered on it and her eyebrows furrowed.

"No." I shook my bangs out of my eyes and looked at her flip flopped feet, back to her face and then my hands. Wondering if it's gonna be a good thing or a bad thing she's going to tell me.

She held my face up with one finger and stroked my cheek."I'm coming with you silly. You can't get rid of me that easily." She pulled me into another bone crushing embrace but not hard enough to hurt my side.

My heart rose off the floor and I could tell it was going to be fixed, little by little.

She helped me off the hospital bed and into the waiting car outside. You could smell a storm coming and the breeze was making it hard to keep my hair out of my face so I took my hair and put it in a bun right on top, Rachelle following suit afterwards.

Inside the car was quite nice and cozy and Rachelle told me the guys were working on filling out paper work for my adoption and that since she's also my age she was too and that they would met us at the air port in a hour.

The car stopped in front of my old house. Memories flashed through my mind like a old photo album. Starting from one age and ended in another. Some were my best memories like when I wasn't afraid of turtles anymore and actually got a pet one named Herbert. (A/n: I got this idea because my best friend Sam has a chicken named Herbert!)There are a lot more bad ones though, always hiding in the shadows.

Looking in my old room, I took a look around and found a suitcase and packed most of my cloths, my song/stories book, and just little things that made up my whole childhood. Lastly I found my mothers old necklace with her engagement ring on the silver chain and clasped it around my neck, never to be forgotten.

Heading to the air port, the sky has gotten darker and memories and moments flooded my mind. Without even realizing it I fell into a deep sleep and the last thing I remember was hearing Rachelle talking to someone on the phone."Yeah we're on our way now, no I'm not going to England now I'm coming later this week so I'm dropping her off, yes Niall she's fine she's asleep now. Okay see you in 45 minutes, bye."

So I'm moving to England...


Hey so this might help a little with the explaining how everything's coming along. SOO we are on chapter 10! YAY! So who's pov should I do? Comment who I should!!

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