Had a bad day

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Heyy beauties!!! Thank y'all for reading this story I honestly didn't think anyone would read it. I know I'm like the worse writer for making y'all wait for updates and even though most of this story has just been terrible but there's always light at the end of the tunnel and I'm nowhere near finished with this story so continue on crazy MOFOs!!!


(Niall pov)

It's been a few days since the accident. A week actually. Harry has woken up with a few broken ribs and minor injuries but Alisa..... Wasn't so lucky.

Louis came to the hospital a day after the accident. Rushing through the main doors, tears streaming down his face. As soon as he saw us in the waiting area, our heads in our hands he collapsed on his knees saying how sorry he was and that he was never gonna forgive himself.

Zayn surprised us all. He took ahold of Louis's arm and drug him outside of the hospital doors. He was furious with Louis. For making all of us worry. For making us look for him but even more madder because he Blamed him for harry and Alisas car crash to.

Louis just took it all. Hung his head down and listened. When he didn't reply I guess Zayn snapped. He drew his fist back and swung forward, landing a punch right at Louis's left eye.

He took it all.

Believe me I wasn't happy either but I wouldn't be able to handle what Louis must feel right now.

"Stop thinking so much Ni." I looked up, realizing I must've zoned out and looked up into a beautiful pair of hazel orbs.

"S-sorry." I give her a half smile that i knew didn't even reach my eyes and brought Rachelle closer to me.

Throughout this whole thing. She's been the one I can lean on. She's like my life preserver sent out to save me or in this case help me think on the bright side of it all.

There's not a lot and it just amazes me how she can so easily ignore all the things falling apart.

Alisa still hasn't woken up. That's why we're still at the hospital. The doctors said she has a major injury to her brain when her head made contact with the pavement. Harry's been laying in bed, saying that he's perfectly fine and that he needs to see Alisa. The doctors won't allow it though, saying it will just make his condition worse.

"Look at me Niall." Her soft voice whispers. I take a second to gather myself and look into her eyes. Blue meeting hazel. "She's gonna wake up. I've known her since we were little, she's a fighter. She isn't giving up."

A tear slowly makes progress down her face as her hand moves to my cheek and I lean into her touch. " hope your right Ray." I keep my eyes close but flutter then open when I hear a cough.

I flash my eyes in the direction of the noise and am met with a smiling Liam. "Sorry if I'm interrupting something but um... Alisa woke up." I heard a gasp come from Rachelle and lean in to kiss her cheek with my thin lips.

Standing up I grab her hand and help her up to and lead her toward the hallway where at the very end stands a door. "C'mon love lets go see Ally."


(Alisa pov)

Beep, beep, beep.

What the hell is that noise? Fluttering my eyes open I'm met with a white tile ceiling and a even whiter room. I'm laid in a bed with pale blue covers and mint green chairs are next to the bed and a tv across from me. Why does it feel like I've been here before? My father has hurt me bad before but I didn't think I would end up in the Hospital.

A knocking and the sound of my door opening snaps me back from my thoughts and in steps a man maybe in his late 50s with a grey goatee with pepper like hair covering his head. Navy blue scrubs cover his built body with a white coat to top off the look.

He looks at me and smiles. "Good afternoon miss, good to see that your finally awake. I'm your Doctor. You can call me doctor Richardson and I'm here to make sure everything's working fine."

I nod along to his words and let him take my blood pressure and anything else he needed to do. "So what all happened? Why am I here?" I look at him waiting for my answer but all I see is a confused look on his face.

"Well you were in a car crash. Do you remember anything an if you do remember anything what is it?" He takes a sit in one of the chairs near my bed and fold his hands together, waiting for my reaction.

But I can't think of anything. I don't remember being in a car accident. Hesitantly I reach up and place my small hand on my head and when I feel a cotton like substance I imediantly jerk it away and look confusingly at the older man.

I close my eyes and try and remember something, really anything but all that comes to mind is me running through the woods after seeing my dad murder my mom and running for my life. Than I realize something.... The doctor has a British accent....

Looking up quickly I see that he hasn't moved a muscle. "The last thing I think I remember is when... I-I was running t-through the woods, trying to get away." I stutter

He takes in my words like a flower absorbing sunlight and signs deeply. "It seems to me you are having short term memory loss Alisa." He stands up and takes a flashlight before shining them both and my eyes and nods his head like he knows exally what's wrong.

"I'll let your friends know your awake. Don't be afraid of them if you don't remember them okay? In time your memory should come back and if it doesn't just come back and we'll figure it out." He smiles one last smile and I notice he has dimples. Why does that seem so familiar to me?


Don't shoot me!!! I love you!! Anyway my friend made a really cool larry like fanfic but she doesn't have a Wattpad but maybe I'll get her to write it on mine and y'all will get to read it! If you don't like stuff like that then that's fine you don't have to. Anywhore I will update twice this week because y'all are the best and maybe not the next chapter but the one after that I'm thinking of doing a 3rd person pov....

Let me know what ya think!!

Love y'all do much!!!

-Fluffy ❤️

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