I want

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Hey so I know it's been forever since I updated so sorry about that. I'm so happy that I have close to 300 reads on this story and I thank y'all so much for them and I hope like this chapter.


(Harry pov)

Everything happened so fast, to fast for my mind to process what was happening. One moment I was looking deeply into Alisa's eyes and the next we hear yelling in the front hall way.

"What do you mean he's gone Zayn?"

Who's gone? I thought Niall was in the kitchen and Liam and Zayn's upstairs. I grab Alisa's hand and help her off the couch, lacing our fingers together and head into the front hallway where the yelling was coming from.

When we pass through the threshold we are met with Zayn almost in tears and a panicking Paul.

"I mean he isn't in his room and I've looked everywhere! He hasn't answered any of our calls or messages and I'm freaking out!" Seeing Zayn in a emotional wreck, I'm knock out of my shocked trance and reach into my pocket and call Louis.

It rings and rings and finally cuts off to voicemail. By this time Niall and Rachelle come running down the stairs, hand and hand. I'll have to ask them about that later. Back to Louis. Where could my boo be? Why did he run off?

I wanted to hit my head against a wall so bad right now, I felt a squeeze on my hand and remember of the girl that's my world now. I look at her heart shaped face and bring my hand to caress her cheek. I know we will find him. We have too.

"Everyone into the vans! Split up and look for louis. If you find him call me and bring him back home, got it?" Everybody nodded at Paul's orders and headed toward the door, shoving on shoes and getting the keys off the hook, and out the door.

What if we can't find him? What if someone kidnapped him or worse...? Alisa must've known I was asking all these what if questions because she turned to be with a frown upon her face.

"Stop asking what if harry, this isn't your fault. We don't even know why he left so stop blaming yourself, we're find him." She leaned over and embraced me into a tight hug, her small, short arms wrapping themselves around my neck as mine did around her waist.

"I hope your right." I whispered but I wasn't sure if she heard.


(Alisa pov)

I felt so bad for harry right now. I mean my heart was still beating because of what happened on the couch but it's beating even faster now because of Louis. I hope he's okay but I seriously want to know what's wrong with him.

Harry helped me into our car since I still have a fractured ankle and ran to his side before getting in also and starting up the engine. I've never seen him this serious or any of the guys for that matter. We drove through the streets of London at a lightning speed when it started a down pour.

The windshield wipers couldn't seem to fleck the rain off fast enough and I know Harry was having trouble seeing but he didn't slow down and I had a very bad sinking feeling in my stomach.

H-harry maybe you should slow down." I was clutching onto my seatbelt for dear life but he didn't seem to hear me.

The rain continued to pour onto the windows and I actually thought they might break. The sinking feeling just kept getting bigger and bigger as the outside world flashed pasted us in a blur along with people they were unluckily caught in the storm.

I couldn't do it. "HARRY SLOW THE HELL DOWN!" He snapped up he's head and lifted off the gas, slamming on the brakes but us stop and us lurch froward. I could already the self belt burn on my neck but that wasn't my problem at the moment. I turned to see harry with his head slumping on the stirring wheel and imediantly panicked.

"Harry, harry are you okay?" He groaned and swatted my hand away and lifted his head. I felt my lungs breath in air again as I notice he wasn't hurt.

"I-I'm so sorry Ally." Tears were streaming down his pale faces and his knuckles were turning white from gripping the wheel. I signed and unbuckled myself not caring where we were or if we were in the middle of the road. I leaned over and tightened my arms around his shoulders, bringing him closer to me. It wasn't the most comfortable position but the tears soaking my shirt told me to stay put.

"It's fine Harry, just calm down." I ran my fingers through his chocolate brown curls and kissed his cheeks. He looked up and smiled, it was a small one and his adorable dimples didn't poke out but it was one nonetheless.

Suddenly there was a loud screaming of metal as a vehicle crashed into the side I was perviously on and the car lurched the opposite direction.

The rain continued to pour through all the broken windows and glass was flying everywhere as me and harry tumbled together. My life seem to flash before my eyes, from my happy childhood and my terrifying teenage years. I gripped harry tighter and I felt my head hit the ground hard as we slipped from the car has it continued to roll and flip.

Thunder boomed, the sky filled with light. I went to tighter my hold on harry but he wasn't there anymore. I couldn't feel anything I was completely numb and not a care in the world as the world around me spun. The pain in my head continued and I could hear the sirens in the background. That's when everything went black.


Hey I hope this chapter is longer. I wanted to make it up to y'all for not updating in a while. I hoped y'all like it and I know that a lot of the stuff going down is sad but I promise it's just for the story. Now I must go. I love y'all very much! Remember to vote and comment and to stay BEAUtiful!!

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