Chapter 29

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Heyy awesome readers!!! *waves at screen* I'm back with a brand new chapter!! This chapter is dedicated to MLoveRose for voting and commenting on a few of my books and y'all guys should go check hers out ^.^ so back to Half a Heart! Chapter 29!!


(Alisa pov)

"Hey Ally we are all going out but Liam's staying here. You okay with that?" Niall asked from my doorway. I nodded and continue strumming my guitar. "Yeah that's fine." I mumble. It really was fine. Niall and Rachelle have been dating for 5 months now of course they would want to so something together. Louis is probably gonna disappear like he's been doing lately and harry will probably go out and get drunk.

I lifted my head to look at him and smiled to show him it was ok. He let out a little sigh and nodded before turning around and walked downstairs. Shortly after I heard everyone saying their goodbyes and then the door closing.

"Alisa you up there?" Liam's voice rang out throughout the whole flat. I put my guitar down and made my way downstairs to the kitchen where I think Liam's voice came from. When I enter I see Liam making chocolate milk and smile. He knows me to well.

"You wanna glass?" He lifts up his own glass and I nod taking a seat on a stool near the island. He scurries around the kitchen, taking out the milk and chocolate syrup then finding another mug. "Is that enough?" He asked when the mug is half filled. "Yeah." I pull my long sleeves down alittle. Within minutes I have a wonderful mug of chocolatly goodness right in front of me.

"Thanks Liam. Wanna watch a movie?" I stand up with my mug and point my head into the direction of the living room. He thinks it over a little. "Yeah that sounds good. Be right back." He skips two steps at a time heading up the stairs. I laugh and head into the living room, stocking up blankets and popcorn for your marathon.

Five minutes later Liam returns in sweats and a baggy sweater and I take a moment to admire his broad shoulders before shaking the thought from my mind. I give him a smile and take my spot on the couch while he finds a movie. "Toy story or scary movie?" He lifts two movies in the air. "Umm scary movie." He hums in approval.

He puts the movie in and shuffles his way back to the couch, almost tripping over the table in front of it and making me burst into laughter. His cheeks turn bright red and he plops next to me and turns away. Rolling my eyes I reach over and pinch his cheeks. "Aww is Liam embarrassed?" I mock. "Stop!" Liam hurries to cover his face.

Oh my gosh he's so adorable. I just want to cuddle him! I grab the remote and press play and wait for the movie to start. Half way through the movie a scene filled with a lot of blood came up and I shoved my face in his shoulder. It wasn't that it was scary ha right. Okay maybe alittle. But mostly it was super gruesome.

"Liam is it over?" I whisper from his shoulder. He laughs but a scream from the tv cuts him off. I'm taking that as a no. "Alisa it's fine." I peek my head up. "Are you sure?" I ask. He nods slowly.

I lift my head from his shoulder and look at him. His stare was like he was staring into my soul. Brown meeting blue. Not long and I feel like I'm leaning in and I can feel his breath fan my lips as my heart beat starts to speed up.

Is this really happening?


Soo how was that? Thanks for reading. And remember to vote and comment :)

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