Chapter 28

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Like I said in my other book I needed a break from Wattpad to sorta figure out where all my stories are going and that's my excuse for not updating in a while. Anyway so sorry for the long wait and here's y'all's update! ^.^


(Logan's pov)

"Fuck!" I scream, banging my hand against my computer desk. The plan doesn't exactly seems to be working and time is running out! I need my Ally back and I need her now. It's been weeks, months even and still nothing has changed and Alisa's' father is becoming inpatient.

"William!" Not a minute later one of my best assistants come running over to see what I need. "Yes Logan sir? You need something?" He shuffles his feet in place looking at my collection of pictures and records on my desk.

"Ah well yes thank you because I do need something. I need our little rat to quicken his game!" I throw my stapler at the wall and watch as if breaks into a billion pieces and I can see Will jump from the corner of my eye.

I exhale a deep breath through my nose and continue watching the surveillance cameras from inside their house. "I want you..... to show him this isn't a game and that we mean businesses." My voice has calmed down but my stress levels are still bursting through the roofs.

"Y-yes sir." He stutters before quickly turning around and sped walking out of the room. I know what you must me thinking. What's so special about this girl or why I act so insane sometimes? Well I'm not insane and I can tell you that right now but Alisa has always been mine and will be forever. so why stop now, right?

I love this feeling though. Being in control. Being the one winning the game or the one moving the pieces I suppose. I love the feeling of people being under me while I take charge and control their every movement and their cries are like music to my ears.

Now I wasn't always like this. I used to go to church and do homework and be the kind of guy you would want to have meet your mother but that all changed on one stormy night. Where the love for dominance became my addiction.


It was a school night like any other. Just walking to the store less than 3 blocks away for something to snack on since my mom always worked and my father was a no good peice of shit that drunk beer all day and slept with other woman. Yet my mother never left him. Claimed she loved him even through all the times he hit her and knocked her down.

It wasn't too late but it wasn't too early either. It was the perfect time to be out really. The time just as the sun was starting to set. The sky was slowly filling with grey clouds so I started walking faster around the block and through the one dark alleyway I mostly use as a short cut until I stepped on the welcome mat of the little corner store. As I was about to pay for my red bull energy drink I realized that it had been pouring out. The kind that if you were in a car you probably wouldn't have been able to see anything.

I sign loudly and look around for a umbrella to buy. A second later I find a regular grey one and set it on the counter and take out my wallet, paying for my two items. I thank the cashier and head outside, hovering under the open umbrella.

I walked half the block until I got to the dark alleyway and realized how terrifying it looked in pitch darkness. Maning up I decide that there's nothing in there and decide to go ahead and go through. Not even half way through and I hear things moving, voices whispering and thunder booming over head.

I look over my shoulder and see nothing but shadows and quicken my pace but before I could even think about what's going on someone has their arm around my neck pulling me back into the pitch darkness of the Ally.

"You scream your dead." The dark voice whispered in my ear and my body instantly tenses when I feel a blade touching the hollow of my neck. I gulp loudly and slightly nod. At first I was confused of who this guy was. I've never seen him before in my life so why would he want me for. I found out the answer real quick.

He pushes me against one of the brink walls of the two abandoned stores and starts thrusting his hips against mine and I can feel his hard erection through his pants and I realize exactly what he plans to do. I try to push him off but he grips my wrist in one of his hands and holds both of them above my head while he uses his free hand to start unzipping his pants.

Once his pants are on the ground and he reaches for my zipper I can't take it anymore and scream. He punchs me in the gut. "You stupid kid! I was actually thinking of letting you live. Guess not." He chuckles darkly and I struggle to lift my legs and kick him where the sun doesn't shine. To no avail it doesn't work and I'm screwed. My minds racing with trying to think of ways to escape the situation but all my thoughts are cut short when he spins me around and pushes me face first against the wall and I now notice I'm not wearing pants and tears start to prick my eyes as I feel his knife still at my throat.

I wait for him to take my virginity. I wait for the monster to kill me and I wait for it to be all over. I clench when I feel his tip enter me and then I hear yelling and the older man curses. He steps back from me and pulls up his pants to try and run but something trips him and he falls hard on the pavement. Picking my pants back up and around my waist I find out it's my umbrella.

I hear someone clearing their throat and look behind me to see about 7 guys all muscle and biker boots and piercings standing there with their arms cross. I whimper and move back against the wall as two of the biggest out of the group start walking towards me but keep walking and pass me. I'm confused at first thinking that they would've finished me off for sure until I look and see them holding the guy that tried to rape me.

"Ricky what do you want us to do with this rat?" The ginger checking the pockets of the old guy yells and points a knife at him.

I look over to the rest of the group and am met with two bright blue eyes with black swishy hair and a button nose. I snap my eyes shut when I see him reaching into his black jeans pocket but open them when I feel a cold heavy metal sat in the palm of my hand.

Ricky the leader I assume is the one who hands me the gun and I give him a questioning look. He huffs out a breath of air and leans over to whisper in my ear. "Shoot him."

I quickly shake my head no and he seems slightly annoyed. He then points at the man his friends are still holding and continues to talk. "Do you honestly want a guy like him to continue to be able to walk freely on the streets? Arint you tired of being used and submissive? Don't you ever want to feel power?"

I feel something building up in me. Something warm and filled with heat as I lift the gun and answer yes in my mind to most of his questions. As I lift the gun higher and take my aim I think about all the people that have used me, bullied me and cheated me in my passed and I'm tired of being stepped on! I squeeze my eyes shut as I push on the trigger of the gun and a shot rings off the walls and through the rain and thunder still pouring on top of us.

I reopen my eyes to see Ricky smiling at me and I feel pride in myself to stand up for once. "Welcome to the group man." I smile big. Finally feeling like I belonged for once as all the others pat me on the back and I walked back with them. To start my new life.

----------end of flashback--------

No one knows that story of that night I almost got raped besides Ricky, dalton (the ginger) and the others but those two are the ones I'm really close too. Not even my mother knows but she wouldn't know anything even if you went ahead and sticky noted it on her forehead.

Ever since I've been working with Mr. Brice I haven't exactly hung out with them much but they understand and will sometimes do some business for me like what their about to do to our little helper. I feel a evil smirk make it's way on my lips of how much quicker this will all be over when he finally learns his lesson. That I make the shots around here.


Yay! Long chapter! So we learned why Logan went all crazy and found out about the new friends he started hanging out with. So question do you blame him for the way he acts or not? Thanks for reading and tell me any suggestions you might have and remember to vote, comment and stay BEAUtiful!! 😊

Love always,

- fluffy❤️

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