Chapter 25

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I'm here to tell you..... This is the last chapter...... Jk. I've just had some writers block but it's all good now.


(Alisa pov)

Weeks after the accident

Today was the last day I was in the hospital and I couldn't be happier. I remembered almost everything besides anything that happened between me and Harry. Usually he won't even come into my room anymore when the others come and visit and a lot of the times I find myself missing him.

" you okay there love?" I look up to find Liam looking at me with a concerned expression on his face. "Yeah just can't wait to get out." I reply with a small smile and watch as he returns one before heading to the corner where Louis and Niall were. "You ready to leave this hell hole bitch?" I roll my eyes at Rachelle. "Yes I really am! Now help me in that wheelchair of yours." She laughs but helps me up and sets me down before getting the rest of my stuff together. It honestly feels like I've done this before.

All of a sudden I'm being moved forward and it's not until I look back that I realize that Liam is pushing me. He has the cutest little puppy eyes that melt your heart into pieces and that cute little birth mark on the front of his neck. Wait? What am I thinking? I thought I liked harry?

"Harry doesn't care about you, he's the one that caused the accident, remember? He didn't even bother to stick around after you found out you remembered nothing. Liam did though."

The little voice inside my head was right, Liam does seem to care. I felt a small smile tug at the corners of my lips. Suddenly I'm being lifted into the van that was park outside the hospital and sat in the passenger seat across from Paul.

"Look at you, being so tough in the middle of chaos." Paul said, I turned around to put my seat belt on and chuckled lightly.

"Me tough? I remember nothing, I've been in two accidents that I know of so far and my own father tried to kill me. How does that make me tough?" I all but whisper, staring straight through the windshield when I felt his gaze hit my face.

"Ah but that's where everyone gets the answer wrong. Being tough isn't about being brave or having the most battle scares or even tattoos. It's about being strong enough to get through even when everything crashes down around you or not listening to people that are against you being who you are." I felt a single tear roll down my cheek which i wiped away with the back of my hand.

"I would go as far as to say you're tougher than Zayn."

"Hey! I heard that!" Zayn called from the back making us let out a little laugh. "So you really mean that?" I asked, staring at my Toms.

"Yes I really do. Now how bout we get you all home and fed you?" I heard hoots and cheers come from the back as I leaned against the window. Not even 30 minutes into the drive and my eyes already felt like weights. "Go to sleep Alisa. We'll be there in about an hour." I yawned at Paul's words and felt my eyes close. The last words that registered into my head was, "sweet dreams ally." It was all familiar like everything else but all that filled my mind was brown puppy eyes.


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