Dreaming with a broken heart

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Sorry I haven't updated in a while! I've read these two amazing books called FanBoy and The Pen Pal Project. They are amazing and so funny and I almost died laughing in the middle of English reading them so y'all should check them out!! Anyway hope you all have enjoyed the book so far!


(Alisa pov)

Running, was the only word in my mind, as I took deeper breaths and ran faster.

Rain covered my cloths, soaking them, trying to get away. I could hear them yelling for me and their voices were trying nearer.

Pushing past trees and over grown roots, I tripped an fell, landing in a Puddle of mud and I knew it was too late.

They have already caught me.....

I turned over, prepared to run but they were already hovering over me. Their eyes nothing but blackness against the dark sky, their hair and skin dripping with water and blood.

"Thought you could get away didn't you?" My father spat, kicking my side. I whimpered and curled in on my self but that didn't stop them.

"Look at us when we are talking to you bitch!" Suddenly my vision blurred as I felt blinding pain shoot across my face. Logan slapped me.

I whimpered again, scooting to lay against the bark of a near by tree, bringing my knees to my chest. Thunder shook the ground and not five seconds later a flash of lightening lite the entire sky in white.

I heard them both laugh darkly."how about we teach her a lesson, ah Logan?" At that, I heard the sounds of a pocket knife being opened, the metal slicing through the air.

"Please no!" I had tears running down my stinging cheeks now. I tried to scramble to my feet but Logan moved, lifted his foot and crush it against my ankle, slitting it in two. My blood curling scream rang through the forest, echoing, reminding me there's no one to save me now as my father came closer to me with the already blooded knife and carved words into my skin. "Useless, unloved, alone."

Covered in blood and rain I laid there, not feeling pain because I was numb, not a care in my body anymore, because they left me, the people I thought loved me. Left me,


(Harry pov)

We were on the plane heading home to England. It felt weird knowing that Alisa is going to be hated on for living with us when she's done nothing wrong! I can't say anything about her stupid father and ex boyfriend though.

She was actually laying beside me right now, on the plane and she looked so peaceful. The way her eye lids would flutter slightly so I could tell she was dreaming to the way her little pink lips were parted a little. She just looked so innocent.

I found myself moving her blond fringe out of her face, she turned causing my hand to land on her forehead. I felt myself smiling at how soft her skin really was.

"She's adorable when she sleeps isn't she?" I jumped in my sit a little and whipped my hand away, startled by not noticing Louis that has sat down across from me with a stupid grin on his face.

"Yeah she really is." I stretched my arms behind my head, careful not to accidentally hit anyone with my long arms and letting out a soft yawn.

"Do you think she'll like traveling around with us?" I raised my eyebrow at Louis question. "I'm sure she will, she's just not going to like all the attention from the paps and fans."Louis was silent for a moment and that surprised me. Lou's never silent.

I looked up at him, finding him smiling softly at Alisa with a look of complete adoration etched across his face. Wait does he like her? He can't. I couldn't help but felt jealousy with the thought of her being with him.

I know I'm known as the flirt and man whore but I really am nothing like that. When it comes to real girls that I like I'm as nervous as a 3rd grade boy with a crush.

A whimper from my left snapped my mind from my thoughts as I looked at Alisa, her face changing from peaceful to terrifying in just a matter of seconds.

Tears started streaming down her face and all that came out of her mouth was"no please stop NO!" And than she screamed and I'm not talking haha I scared you scream I mean like she just got Murdered.

I couldn't take it anymore, pulling her into my lap, I rocked her Back and forth saying sweet nothings into her ear to calm her down from her nightmare.

Her pleadings had stopped but silent tears were still tracing her cheeks. I then noticed that all of my band has crowded around to see what was happening.

"H-harry a- are you crying?" Niall asked. Suddenly I felt a fat warm tear roll from my face that I didn't realize was traveling from my eyes.

"I'm fine." I sniffed "Alisa just had a nightmare" at the mention of her name she began to stir. Her blue blazing eyes opened slightly, her water clumped lashes touched her cheeks as she quickly blinked to get used to the lighting.

"Wh-what happened." I heard her hiccup loudly to hide the giant sob that escaped her little mouth and my heart literally fell apart, straight to the floor underneath my seat.

"Shhh it's okay you just had a nightmare, go back to sleep baby girl." Cooed Louis, he was squatting in front of us with he's hand cupping her cheek, his thumb slowly brushing the stray tears away.

Anger boiled inside of me right then. But it quickly faded when I heard her soft broken voice"my side hurts really bad Harry!" She moaned in pain, shoving her little head in my neck

I rubbed her back slowly" Niall will you please go get her pain killers?" He nodded and rushed to get them and came back a moment later with two pills and a cup of water.

"Sweetie lean up a little, I'll do it for you" she slowly moved her face from my neck, leaving it feeling cold and empty. She opened her mouth, allowing me to drop them in and touch the rim of the cup to her lips, she gladly drunk it all in one gulp before handing the cup back to me and putting her head on my shoulder shivering.

Louis handed me the blanket I had before from the floor and I carefully wrapped it around us, extra careful around her wound.

It wasn't long and her shivering died down and her breathing came in even pants.her face still looking broken. She had the face of someone dreaming with a broken heart. And I wanted to fix that.


Heyy hoped y'all liked it! I honestly didn't think this chapter would turn out so good. Anyway vote and comment and I might even give out shoutouts to those who do! Hoped y'all liked it! Night lovelies :*

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