Little things. (That turn into big disaters )

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Heyy so please don't kill me or throw a bowling ball at my face! I know it's been a while and y'all probably hate me for leaving y'all with cliffhanger and all but it's because of very important reasons!! Hope y'all like it


(Louis pov)

Feeling a lot better about my lovesick situation, I decided I've been out long enough and head home.

My feet walk pass trash on the streets and puddles. My mind feeling cleared as i breath in and out the clean air. Sounds erupt my ears as i hear a ambulance drive by, the lights flashing on the nearby buildings followed by a few cars.

Not thinking much of it I continued on my way and finally reached the big door of the house. My first thought when I walked in was it was quiet, deadly quiet and that's not normal. Also it's cold and dark.

Where did everyone go?

This is the moment I curse loudly and wish I didn't throw my phone in the water. What the hell was I thinking? What if something bad happened?

I had a sinking feeling in my stomach,

Something already has.......


(Harry pov)

Pink and orange gather along the skyline and giant white clouds float along in the breeze, you know the ones that usually mean a storms coming but before that happens their usually beautiful.

"Harry?" Turning sharply I'm met with a heart shaped face that I'm falling for and a head full of golden waves, piecing blue orbs meeting my greens ones. "Alisa?Where are we?" She doesn't reply, just shakes her head, her hair falling in front of her eyes and smiles reaching for my hand.

I grab her hand but the spark is gone. Her hand is deathly cold and a shock runs through my body and into my eyes.

-flashback -

"H-harry maybe you should slow down." All I heard was mumbling. The worry of my best friend was to great and I just wanted to hurry and find him no matter what happened. "HARRY SLOW THE HELL DOWN!"

My foot feels like it weights a ton as it comes crashing down on the brake and all my walls break loose. I slump my head on the stirring wheel and feel the tears trace my checks and can feel the salty taste of them enter my mouth.

"Harry. Harry are you okay?" Alisa cries. I slowly lift my head and can see the rope burn on her neck and just loose it all completely.

"I-I'm so sorry ally." I whimpered. I hear her unbuckle and cuddle me in her arms and I don't hesitate to cry on her shoulders.

"It's fine harry, just calm down." Her soft voice relaxes me a little and the feeling of her fingers through my hair helps. My throughs that have calmed down was interrupted my screaming metal against metal and the car flying and flipping. I grip on to Alisa tighter to keep her from flying through the windows and watch in horror as the windows break and rain pours in through the holes they created.

Next thing I know we've been thrown out of the car and are smacking the cement with a loud thump. I go to touch Alisa to see if she's okay but she isn't there. I can't find her!

-end of flashback-

My eyes flutter open and am met with dark clouds, wind making my curly hair cover my eyes. I turn in circles but I don't see anyone, just empty space.

Where am I? I fall to my knees, feeling the unshed tears burn my eyes. Am I dead?

I'm ripped from my depressing thoughts when I hear beeping, the type of beeping a heart monitor makes. I look around but I see nothing now just blackness, if I could move my hands and put it in front of my face I wouldn't be able to see it.

I scream but I can't make any noise. I move but I can't even move my arms, it's like their tied down by an invisible force. I give up. If this is death than at least I know Louis will take care of Alisa. With that thought, the last thing I see are icy blue eyes, before darkness takes me away.


Heyy how'd y'all like it? Don't hate me!! I'll update every Wednesday and Saturday! I love y'all so much and I hope y'all don't give up on my story. Anyway vote, comment and stay BEATUtiful!! 😘

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