Chapter 4

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So apparently this book is good or says my best friend Sam so I shall continue! Hope y'all enjoy


I blacked out.... Is the only thing thing that registers into my mind the moment I woke up. When I tried to sit up though I couldn't. My hands and feet were tied and the skin under the rope was raw from the tightness of it.

I was sore all over but mainly in one place if you get my drift. I can't believe that shit head drugged me and then took advantage of my lifeless form! I'm so enraged right now that I didn't notice the bedroom door opening and Logan stepping in with a glass of water and two pills.

I try helplessly to cover myself but it's no use, I'm still tied and in a empty house alone with him. If I scream I bet no one would hear me. When he tries to sit closer to me I scoot as far away as possible but he scoots closer and lifts the glass of water to my lips and tips my head back, swallowing the pills also in two big gulps. Then he reaches to untie my hands and then my feet but is quick to keep me from jumping up and running out the door.

This has happened before actually, him taking advantage of me. I've tried telling people I really have but it's like my tongue gets tied an the words get trapped. I think I love him but idk I've never been in a relationship and the one my parents are in are like this so I think it's okay, as long as he loves me back, right?

When I look at him in his hazel eyes their filled with love unlike earlier, I just don't understand! He gets off the bed, breaking our gaze and throws a shirt of his at me to cover myself, at least he has some respect.


He drops me off at my house a little after 7pm and all the lights in my house are on meaning both my parents are home. As I walk to the front door I can't help but get a sickening feeling that something's wrong and I really should listen to that feeling more often.

Opening the door slowly I tip my head in to see if the clost is clear but without noticing it's unbelievably quiet and head up the stairs. What I find though is something i really wasn't expecting and I nearly had enough time to run out the door, before my father could kill me too.


(An) Sooooo I hope this makes up for my crappy chapter before. I'm actually getting the hang of it now so please continue reading if there are any and thanks to those who are. Comments ideas!! Love y'all babes :)

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