Chapter 26

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Soo MY BIRTHDAYS IN ONE DAYS!!! Yay and then I might get my permit sometime this week and I can't wait even though my driving skills arint that great and happy early July 4th everyone!!


( Alisa pov)

"Wake up!! It's time to wake up!! You not getting any younger ya know." A Irish accent rang throughout my room before I felt two bodies land on top of mine and more laughter coming from my doorway. Groaning, I pull the covers over my head only to have them ripped back off. "Hey! I was sleeping with that!" I yelled

"You honestly think we were gonna let you sleep your birthday away? Now get up and met us down in the kitchen." I fluttered my eyes open and turned my head to see rachelle standing in the doorway with her arms crossed. I then turned my head to see who the two bodies on mine were and was met with a blazing pair of blue eyes and a soft pair of brown. I quirked a eyebrow at Niall and Zayn, "is there a reason you are crushing the breath out of me?" I asked

Niall laughed and got up, walking behind Rachelle to wrap his arms around her waist from behind. Zayn soon followed by getting off me and pulling me up and slinging me over his shoulder. "Malik put me down now or you will pay!" "Ha!" He snorted, "and how is that?" Zayn followed Niall and Rachelle out of my room and down the stairs to the kitchen and sat me down in a stool near the break-face bar. "You know I can walk right?" Zayn took a sit next to me so I took his face in my hands and pinched his cheeks. He swatted my hands away and laughed.

"Yeah but it's your 17th birthday Ally! You only turn 17 once." He exclaimed, turning side to side in the stool next to mine. I signed. "Fine." I mumbled " but I could've killed you! I weigh more than you!" I threw my hands in the air. He only chuckled and shook his head.

"You feel like a light feather on my shoulders. And stop talking about yourself like that! Your beautiful the way you are!" He looked at me with a sad look on his face as I fumbled with my hands.

Ever since the accident me and harry were in, me and harry drifted apart and me and Zayn got closer and he basically became like a brother to me. The accident was five months ago and nothing's really changed. The boys do some shows here and there but we mostly stay in England so I can be homeschooled. My affection for Liam has grew but to be honest I still feel like I love harry.


Those green blazing eyes and that dimpled smile. We have talked but it's not the same anymore. Every time we start getting on really well Liam will sometimes just randomly appear and sit in between us and then harry would just get up and I would watch him leave.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear ally! Happy birthday to you!!" I'm snapped back to the present by claps and shouting of birthday wishes. It isn't until everyone is looking at me that I look down and realize there's a pancake in front of me with a candle in it. I laugh loudly at that and bend down to blow out the light but not before making a wish.

"So what did you wish for?" Niall asks, linking his big hand with rachelles' small one. I shake my head,reaching for the syrup and drenching my pancake in it.

"It won't come true if I told you all, now would it?" I reply around a mouth full of pancake.

If only they knew I wished for my full memory back...


(Niall pov)

"Guys what should we do for her birthday?" I ask, gathering everyone in the living room as Alisa takes a shower to figure out what all we should do to make this a day she'll never forget.

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