Chapter 32

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Heyy!! I missed y'all so much! Hold me!! Haha. Sorry for the wait and pleas don't hate me for this chapter e_e


(Alisa pov)

"Remember to stay quiet. I want you to go down and put your stuff in the car and then into the front seat you go. Okay?" Liam whispers in the darkness of my room. I nod to his instructions and quietly grab my luggage. "Okay I gotcha." He slowly opens my door and let's me through. God houses are scarier in the dark. I use my phone as a flashlight and head down the dark stairs and out the door.

Finding Liam's car in the driveway, I put my bag in the back seat before taking my spot in the front. Five minutes pass and Liam comes with his luggage, shutting and locking the door on his way out and towards the car.

It's currently 3:30 in the morning and my eyes are struggling to stay open. The last thing I see is Liam buckling himself in the car and him talking on the phone,

"Yeah we're on our way."


Few hours later

"Baby wake up. We're here." A hand shakes me awake from my slouched position and I slowly sit up. Pain spreads through my neck and shoulder blades as a hand comes to rub the sleep from my eyes and a yawn escapes my lips. When my eyes finally decide to open, I'm blinded by the California sun high in the sky. Wait? Why am I on a plane? I turn to Liam with a confused look and he seemed to get the message.

"You looked so peaceful so I just carried you and we're on a private jet so they didn't question why I was carrying an unconscious girl." I nodded to his words and waited for the plane to come to a complete stop before unbuckling my belt and stretching. Get ready California!


Yeah.... This chapter sucked I know but it's mainly a filler. Saying how they are in California now and everything but I promise after this, stuffs about to go down!! Haha. Remember to vote and comment anything you would like. It really doesn't matter. I'm sorry for the wait also just that school started back and I'm a freshmen so I sorta have to get used to it.

Love always,

- fluffy❤️

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