Chapter 38

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I've been really busy. 0.o Anywayyyy here's the chapter :)


(Liams pov) *surprise*

I feel like absolute shit right now. I can't believe I did that to her. I think as I hold my head in my hands. After I was forced to basically rape her I ran out, saying sorry over and over like my life depended on it. This was never part of Logan's plan. I was just surrposed to bring her here or they would kill us all. I've seen Logan kill someone before and he's not kidding when he means it.

At the sound of a door opening I lift my head and instantly look away when I see the familiar face walk in. His features I once trusted a little I have no respect for anymore. "You're a good little minion, you know that?" He snickers. I can hear the smirk on his face and I turn, facing the wall instead. "So the silent treatment, really? I hope you know I control wether you live or die."

I snap my head in his direction, looking him square in the eyes. "Then kill me!" I scream, jumping to my feet. "I don't think I could ever forgive myself for what you made me do and I hope you know they will come after us. They arint stupid and they will find a way"

His left hand swings suddenly at my face and connects with my right cheek. I instantly crumble to the ground and rub the stinging surface. "I should kill you." He snarls coldly. "But. Where's the fun in that?" He smirks in my direction before turning around and walking out the door, leaving me with a giant weight on my shoulders.

"What have I done?"


Omg I feel so freaking bad right now, like I haven't updated since forever and I won't let that happen again and I promise to finish the book. Cheer season has ended, meaning I'll have more time to update. Anyway I love you all guys and until next time, KEEP READING!!!

Love always,
-fluffy ❤️

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