I would

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Heyy so I'm going to make this chapter as long as possible because I know my shorts ones aren't satisfying and I completely understand. Also warning, there will be a little bit of graphic stuff in this chapter so be prepared because stuff is about to go down!!!


(Niall's pov)

I don't know what came over me. One minute I was laughing about how funny it was that Liam almost kissed the floor with his face until he started looking at Rachelle like she was a piece of candy and winking in her direction. He even told me to leave to eat my food. Don't get me wrong I love food, it's like my whole world but I just didn't trust him in that moment.

Glaring at a smirking Liam I tugged on her hand and basically dragged her down the hall to her room. I didn't feel bad about being so rough because I'm usually all soft and sensitive. She need to know she belonged to me, she was my Rachelle. It didn't matter that we weren't dating because I was about to change that. Ever since we met I felt like a was being drawn to her. From Her hazel eyes that's always seem to change color to her big freckled face smile that lite up my whole world, but my favorite thing about her was her hair and personality.

I know I must sound like a freak but her hair is just beautiful to me. It's a dark brown, almost black with dull red highlights that enhanced her natural ones. When the sun shines on it just right it's glows like a firery red, almost like a red halo around her head. Her personality because she fights for what she loves and cares for the people she loves the most and I saw that when she took care of poor Alisa and I think that's what caught my attention.

Finally making it to her door, I swing it open and lead her inside. Not letting her have time to look around the place I push her against the dark brown door that I closed and look deeply into her eyes that were brown began changing to a dark green. Without even thinking I smash my lips against hers earning a sharp gasp from her. At first she didn't kiss me back and I put all my built up passion into it and kissed her harder. When she started kissing me back with her perfect plump lips is when I lost all control and bit her lower lip and tugged it a little, getting the opportunity I wanted when she gasped from surprise. I slipped my tongue over her lip and slowly in her mouth, exploring it and I could feel her smile into the kiss.

Slowing down a little, I felt her run her fingers through my long blond hair, no doubt it was probably in all sorts of directions. I loosened my grip on her waist a little but didn't fully pull away until I was breathing so hard I was seeing stars. Taking a few sharp breaths I could feel my heart thumping in my chest as I pulled away to be able to see her beautiful face. Her hair was alittle messy and her cheeks flushed red and I leaned down and kissed both her cheeks and her nose.

A giggling came afterwards." Well that was eventful don't ya think?" She asked with a eye brow raised. Not feeling any shyness until now I quickly look down to try and hide the blush creeping along my neck and face even when the room was still dark from the lights not being on. Come on Niall! Just ask her to be your girlfriend already! She'll say yes I know she will. After mentally shaking my head from my pep talk thoughts I looked deeply in her eyes and smiled." Yeah about that.... I really like you a lot Ray. You have no idea right now. Ever since we met I've just been drawn to you and I don't know why but I don't want to loose this. The reason I was so mad earlier was because Liam was hitting on you earlier and I just wouldn't be able to see you with anyone else."

Taking a deep breath i continued, "I understand if you don't feel the same and I know it's probably really stupid to feel this way but I can't help it. Your really intriguing to be honest." I heard a little snort come from her and looked at her with a smirk on my face." Ray will you please be mine?" Waiting for her answer seemed to last forever when really it was like 10 seconds and her answer had my heart beat increasing in a matter of seconds.

"Yes, now kiss me you Irish fool." Laughing at her answer I pulled her closer by her waist and started leaning in when we heard some commotion down the stairs.

"What do you mean he's gone Zayn?" I heard the panic in Paul's voice and slowly took a step back but grabbed her hand, lacing out fingers together liking the way her small hand fit perfectly in my bigger one. Reaching the stairs we here Zayn's reply.

"I mean he isn't in his room and I've looked everywhere! He hasn't answered any of our calls or messages and I'm freaking out!" I took a look at Zayn and the smile that occupied my face vanished quickly. Zayn is usually quiet, keeps to himself and expresses himself through music and art and that's a reason he has a lot tattoos. So seeing him like this, emotions flat out laying on top for everyone to see shocked me and I knew this was serious.


Soo how was that?? Yes I know it's not as long but the next one will be good because of it and I'm really mean for leaving y'all on a cliff hanger!

Anyway I need some ship names for harry and Alisa and also some for Rachelle and Niall!! If you got any ideas comment or inbox me!! Oh my gosh over 200 people have read or looked at my book and I just feel so proud that I actually published this book and I honestly should thank my boo bear/best friend for at so y'all should follow her or something @worm2000 I think!!

Also I love y'all with all my heart!! Remember to vote, comment and stay BEAUtiful!!!!!!!!!! 🙈🙈🙈🙈🙉🙉🙊🙊🙊✨🌟💫💫

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