Chapter 27

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I know it's been like over a week since I've updated but I was working on my two other books and yeah y'all should check them out. Ones called Drugs & Love and the other one is the sequel to Through the dark. Back to this story! Hope y'all like it and who's working for Logan? *evil laughter!!!!*


(Alisa pov)

"Where the hell were you?" A voice shouted. I turned around to see Logan and my body instantly went into panic mode. His stare never left my face as I took in my surroundings and realized I was in his house.

"Answer me damnit!" He step forward but I took a step back and felt the wall behind my back. Words couldn't form in my mouth and my mouth didn't seem to want to work anyway so I just shrugged my shoulders.

Logan raised his hand and slapped me across the face, leaving my cheek buzzing with heat and pain. My eyes glassed up with the unshed tears I held in. Tears made you seem weak and I didn't need another reason for him to hit me.

"I always seem to forget why I kept you alive ally." He all but hissed at me as he paced back and forth in front of his closed door. He stopped pacing to knell down in front of me and put a finger under my chin so I had to look into his dark brown eyes.

"Then I remember that you always did what I told you. Always were such a good girl for me, weren't you?" I felt a tear slide down my burning cheek and drop off my chin and i saw his eyes follow every movement it made.

By now I didn't feel fear. No I felt anger, exhaustion and just the feeling you get where you want to throw your hands in the air and yell "fuck it!" But I know I can't. I would be doing something he knows he can bring me down low enough to do. That's not something I'm down for.

Logan stands back up when he realizes he isn't getting anything out of me and gets a rope and chair. "C'mon. Sit." He orders, pointing to the chair. I do what he says, too mentally tired to put up a fight. I sit down in the hard, brown wooden chair and wait for further instructions. He takes my hands and brings them to the back of the chair and starts tying them up with the rope.

Next he ties my ankles to each leg of the chair and signs. "I hope you know that I'm watching you. Every move you make, I follow and I know where you are so there's no point in hiding." He smirks and kisses my still burning cheek before walking out and slamming the door.

Hours pass and he doesn't come back and I tug and tug on my wrist ropes, hoping they'll loosen but it seems to do the opposite and I can feel the tingly sincation start in my hands from the lack of blood flow. Finally I give up and scream. For who or what, I really don't know. I scream for everything that went wrong in my life, for meeting Logan and thinking that one day I was gonna marry him. For never having anyone have my back.

I feel my eyelids droop and I can hear someone yelling my name. "Wake up Alisa! Babe your having a nightmare please wake up. Niall! Get Rachelle!" I hear crying and I feel the ropes loosen as my body relaxes from the voice saying my name over and over. Fingers find their way into my hair and that's when I reopened my eyes but I wasn't in Logan's room but in mine.

In my view I see Zayn on one side gripping my left hand and can tell he was the voice I heard before I woke up. Niall runs into my room with Rachelle behind him. I let my heart beat slow down as my dream fades away and all I hear are the sounds of the ceiling fan and the covers ruffling as my best friend pulls me into her side after she climbs in my bed. I put my head into her neck and feel someone's hand rubbing soothing movements into my back as a loud sob escapes my throat.

"Shh it's okay, everything's fine now." Ray whispers in my ear as my body shakes from the uncontrollable tears coming from me. I lift my head and lean out of her embrace to rub the back of my hand across my face until Zayn just turns my face toward him and wipes my tears away for me. I give him a small smile and he envelopes me in his arms and hugs me tight.

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