Chapter 6: Partners in crime

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Sumire’s POV

Today was the day Kawaki took me to steal.

"W-where are we going? Won’t they caught us?"

"Tss! You are so worried! Just steal something and ran away! Like me!!" he said and ran to steal something. When the salesman wasn't looking, he stole  sausages… Then he quickly hid behind me.

"Am I missing something?" said the salesman. He looked at the place where he had sausages.

"Heh, that fool didn’t notice. Lucky!" Kawaki smirked. Is it really a right thing to do? Stealing is bad…

"Dad, why are you doing it? Stealing is bad."

"Sumire, stealing isn't always bad when it can save people's lives, don't forget that..."

I swallowed. I gathered courage and ran to the pastry stand. The lady standing there was talking to other customer. Now I have a chance! I quickly stole a few buns and ran back. But I tripped. My sprained ankle still hurt.

"Hey, you brat! Give it back!!" She noticed me! I couldn't get up!

"Baka!!" yelled Kawaki and grabbed my wrist. He dragged me with him.

"The food…"

"Forget about the food!! They can’t catch us!!" he yelled. He’s right. That would be the end.

"Those brats, I know them…" said one salesman, but I didn’t listen to him. We were already approaching the river.


"What’s wrong?!!"

"I have a sprained ankle. It hasn't been cured yet."

"You should have said that right away!!"

"It’s all right. I can walk…"

"Nah, you are really stupid!" He put my arm around his neck. We also slowed down.

"Thank you…" I said.

"Don’t thank me for every stupid thing!"

"I don’t think it’s stupid. I owe you so much."

"Tss. You are really annoying!" We came to the bridge.

"We are home…" I said sadly.

"Lean against the wall! You will stay by my side today!"

"Huh? You don’t have to…"

"I won’t carry you to the other side! Deal with it!" I smiled.

"A-all right…" We only had the food Kawaki stole.

"Here…" he said and handed me one sausage.

"Wait! I have better idea!" I said.


"We will start fire and roast it!"

"Tss, that’s impossible! You can't do it with sticks alone!"

"Just watch me!" I took two sticks lying on the ground. Then I rubbed them. I didn't start fire for twenty minutes.

"See?! It’s impossible!" But I didn't give up. I kept rubbing them. After a while, they started smoking.

"I did it!"

"It’s just smoke…"

"But that means that I’ll have fire." I smiled. I rubbed them a little more. And I saw a little flame.

"I really did it!"

"Huh?" Kawaki was surprised.

"Can you give me more wood so the fire doesn't go out?"

"Tss, don’t command me!!" But he did it. We built a small roof out of wood. We added some leaves and put stones around the fire. It was a new discovery for us.

"Good work, witch!"

"It’s Sumire."

"Sumire…" That was the first time he called me by my real name. I couldn’t believe it.


I hope you liked the chapter. But since it's shorter than usual, I'll show you my KawaSumi drawing as a bonus, hopefully you'll like it. 💕💕


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