Chapter 10: Othutsuki attacks

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One year later

Sumire's POV

Kawaki told me everything about Boruto-kun and Toneri-san. It's been a year since Sai-san's team is guarding us. It's quite annoying sometimes. They even broke into my bathroom when they didn't have any response from me. Thank god it was a woman, but still...

The situation has calmed down. Kawaki hasn't come home beaten up since then. But it's too suspicious they stopped threating us. I know they are planning something.. But I have to let it be for now. Kawaki told me to not think about it that much, but I'm still worried. Today I'm going to work after a long time. I can't leave Kawaki in this alone and my mental health got better. The woman I mentioned is accompanying me to work today. Her name is Sara-san.

"Sumire, are you sure about your outfit? I think you should be less revealing.."

"Don't worry, I'm taking a mask on my face. I have a cold anyway."

"All right, I trust you." We set up on the way. I also wanted to go around Kawaki's work and Boruto-kun's house to make sure. They both refused to have guards. They are too proud for it. That's why I'm making sure.. I sneaked in discreetly. Sara-san was on the lookout.

"It looks like we are safe, so we can-"

"Sara-san!" Someone attacked her from behind.

"W-who are you?" She asked.

"Ara, do you think a smart villain would tell you, Sara?"

"Tss, how do you know my name?!"

"It's not your real name, is it, Akari?" She clenched her fist.

"You know even about this.. Who are you?" He stomped on her back.

"I already gave you the answer, worthless woman!"

"Stop it!" I yelled.

"Stop it? Fine. She's not even worth of my attention." He took off his cloak. Pale skin and silver hair.. That must be-!"

"Urashiki Othutsuki is here!"

"You are not the one..."

"You mean Momoshiki? He has something better on the work." He caught my wrist.

"Wait! I have to go to work!" He laughed.

"Why, why aren't you scared? You are really a brat for worrying about your work when I came to kidnap you."

"Kidnap me?"

"You are an important commodity for our customer. Not that I care. He's just a naive bastard."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Good girl should listen to her father's wishes. Isn't that right, Shigaraki Sumire?" I was sweating. Why does my dad want me?

"I won't allow that!" said Sara-san. She threw him to the ground and point her gun at him.

"What do you think you are going to do with this toy?" She shot him, but... it didn't have any effect on him.

"W-where's the blood? What's happening?"

"I guess I forgot to tell you, but I'm not human. I'm not from this world."


"I suppose you say that even though they have no chance against us. We are more than aliens. We are gods.".

"Gods? B-but why are you here?"

"For fun? You naive people are great toys to play with. But the real reason is we want to rule the earth. And I heard FBI in this country has the most power of government here. That's why we need to remove you. You should give up, you really have no chance till you are humans. Your stupid toys won't affect us."

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