Chapter 5: Come back

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"Wait, just true love could save me… Did you think you are my true love?"

"I don’t want to talk about it!" She was hiding her face.

"I see." I smirked. Then I took her hands.

"So Sarada, don’t you think you owe me something?"

"I don’t owe you anything! It’s you who still owes me some money for hamburgers!"

"Don’t play stupid, you know what I mean." She blushed like a tomato. Then I kissed her.

"Hey Boruto, this is a hospital!" Kawaki can be so annoying.

Sakura’s POV

I just learned about TenTen and what happened… I scolded Hanabi for it. She can’t tell such news to a pregnant woman, but on the other side, it’d be worse for TenTen if she learned it later. I took her to the operating room and called a gynecologist. There’s no time to think anymore, the baby will be born prematurely. But there should be no danger to him, we just put him in an incubator. I’m more worried about TenTen, she lost a lot of blood… Damn it, where is that gynecologist?! I better start on my own!

He showed up after ten minutes, but the baby was already born. He was really useless after all. He just helped me to stop the bleeding and suture the scar. Then left. He didn’t even apologize. Well, he was younger than me, why am I even surprised? TenTen is stabilized, so is the baby. Now we’ll just wait for them to wake up. We don’t even know names for him, but it’s a boy, so maybe it’ll be little Neji… Now I went to visit Hinata.

Naruto’s POV

"Sumire, I’m coming-!" What the hell did I just saw?! I hid Himawari's face.

"Dad, learn to knock-ttebasa!"

"That’s really funny coming from you, Boruto."

"Shut up, Kawaki!" I grabbed Boruto’s arm.

"Boruto, what do you think you are doing? Do you want to get me killed or what?!"


"Sasuke will kill me for this!!"

"I thought you are stronger…"

"I am, but this is different!"

"Naruto-san, don’t worry, Papa won’t know it."

"Sarada, you don’t know Sasuke that well… You are his only daughter-ttebayo."

"Dad, I thought you’d be glad. Or should I get back to Eida?" Sarada punched him.

"Try that!" Boruto’s right. I actually wanted him to be with Sarada, but a kiss? They are really fast! I thought they’ll be just holding hands or something!

"All right, Boruto, you can be with Sarada, but don’t tell it to Sasuke. For now."

"Of course! I don’t want to commit a suicide-ttebasa!"

"As if I’d let him!" said Sarada. I looked at Kawaki and Sumire. They were holding hands…

"Don’t tell me you two…" They were blushing. Damn those kids.

"Daddy, please let me go!" said Himawari. I was still hiding her face.

"Oh, sorry..." At least Himawari is still little...

"Actually I wanted to talk to you, Sumire."


"I have news for you. You’ll see your father soon. He will be released sooner for good behavior." Sumire was in shock and then she fainted. Kawaki caught her, but… Maybe I should wait… It can't be easy for her, but she still has to like him, when she didn't testify against him...


Hey everyone, I'm sorry for the late update and shorter chapter. I'm still getting into it and forgot a lot of things, so I guess I'll have to read it. Anyways, I was talking about a time skip which beginns in the next chapter. I hope you liked it and also happy Halloween! I made a KawaSumi fanart for this holiday, so I'll show you. 😊 I never stopped drawing, so maybe I'll improved a little. You can say for yourself.

 You can say for yourself

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