Chapter 5: Talk to me

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Ino’s POV

My mission is done, I did my best, so I hope nothing will go wrong. And I’m really surprised about what happened…


"So what brings you here, Ino-san?" asked the president.

"As you may know, I’m a FBI lawyer from Japan. And I’m here because of FBI in your country. Did you know that they visited Konoha and threatened our leader? Did you know they used illegal love potion to manipulate with our leader’s son? And you know very well that our leader is the hero of Japan. Our country won’t let this be, count on it." He was shocked…

"H-how did I not know that?! That Eida… she never tells me anything. Just like Amado."

"Wait, you trust me? Don't you want any proves?"

"Hmm, I’d like to see them then. But I believe you because this is not the first time. The first time it was Amado. He caused problems in Japan before. And I know that Jigen was his personal spy. It may seem that Jigen was behind all this, but it was Amado all along. He manipulated with Jigen’s people and then with Jigen. But I let it be because it wasn’t our concern. But now it’s happening in USA which is unforgivable… But as you said, I need proves to punish him." I nodded.

End of flashback

Now I’m waiting for Sai. He should be here any time. But suddenly Naruto called me.

"Naruto? Why are you calling? Everything goes along the plan."

"No, Ino, it doesn’t. We have to go back to Konoha."

"Huh? What are you saying? I already talked to president and he…"

"Neji died… because of me. I was too careless. Now Hinata’s and my closest ones are in danger because of me. Please, listen to me." I was shocked. Neji just… A tear appeared in my eye. What if it was Sai?! I wouldn’t take it… Suddenly someone knocked on the door. It was Sai. I opened them.

"Sai!" I hugged him.

"Huh? Ino?"

"I’m so glad you are okay!"

"And why wouldn’t I be?"

"Sai… didn’t Naruto call you?"

"I don’t know… I didn’t hear it. Something is wrong with my chip."

"I see, it’s Neji… he died in the mission…" Sai was shocked as well, even though he doesn’t show many emotions…

"What the hell did Naruto do?"

Sumire’s POV

I’m so worried about Kawaki and Boruto-kun. They are gone for too long! It will be two weeks… I just… don’t know what to do. I don’t talk to anyone. Not even to Sarada-chan. I’m just not in the mood. And maybe she was right about the love potion… Maybe Kawaki just doesn’t like me back… I decided to talk to Hinata-san. She must know something about them! But when I came to the kitchen, she was just talking to someone…

"Naruto-kun? What happened?"

"Uhh, don’t worry about it, Hinata. But we are going back. And I’m really not proud of what Boruto did. I’ll tell you more later, but be careful. Our mission failed and Amado is on the run. I’m sure he’ll come for you and kids. He knows you are the most important to me. He’ll take advantage of my weakness and come for you. Be safe…"

"Wait, Naruto-kun-!" He hung up. Hinata-san broke into tears.

"A-are you okay, Hinata-san?"  I ran to her.

"Thank God… Thank God he’s alive!" She wiped her tears away. I hugged her.

"I’m glad too…" I smiled. But what did he mean by that someone’s coming for us?

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