Chapter 12: Save me

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Boruto’s POV

We went home with Inojin’s parents. Kawaki was still mad at me, but I didn’t know why. All right, this is enough-ttebasa.

"Kawaki, what have I done?!"

"Are you for real? You don’t remember a thing?"


"Tss, well, because of you Sumire and your mother and sister are in danger, isn’t it enough?"

"But how?!"

"You cooperated with Amado. A bad guy that can kill all your family. You helped him to escape. And because of it your uncle died."

"Wait, even uncle Neji?"

"Yep, I saw it. Naruto tried to save him, but it was too late. I’d like to see your aunt’s reaction."

"You don't have to be so mischievous! It wasn’t me! That f*cking love potion manipulated with me!"

"You should be even glad that you are normal again. You got it from Eida after all."

"Yeah, dad told me about the kiss, but I don’t think there’s someone as my true love anyway. Sarada gave up on me already." I was sad because I really like her. But I don’t know if she likes me back. It’s hard.

"Well, she said she loved you when you drank the love potion. But you acted like an idiot, so I think she hates you now."

"I knew it!"

"But you are not the only one. I acted like an idiot to Sumire too."

"But I love Sarada, do you understand?!"

"Yeah, I think that finally yeah."

"Wait, that means…"

"That means Naruto was right. I was already in love when Eida gave me that love potion… I just couldn’t figure it out."

"It feels weird coming it from you. You were always a jerk."

"You are one to talk." He smirked. Well, I smiled too. I finally feel free again. I’m just worried about my family as Kawaki said. I won’t forgive myself if something happens to them!

"What are you two talking about? We are already home!" said aunt Ino.


"Yeah, Inojin is there too. I guess he’s playing videogames again…" Inojin never liked me for some reason. I wanted to be his friend though. Aunt Ino wanted to open the door, but Inojin opened it.

"Mom, what are they doing here? Hero’s brats…"

"Inojin! Be nice to them! They are our guests because Naruto has an important job!"

"Ahh, come in then." I’m surprised he let us go.

"And Inojin, me and your father will be gone next week, so you’ll stay at Naruto’s house."

"Wait, mom, you are not serious right now."

"I’m deadly serious." She smiled.

"I hate my life…"

"Don’t be like this, Inojin. Naruto’s family is really nice. I’m sure Hinata will take care of you."

"Wait, I don’t think she’ll be able of it," said Kawaki.


"I just know that Amado wants to kill her. She’ll be lucky to survive. Others too."

"Naruto didn’t have time to tell me the details… Why did he agree?"

"He obviously wanted a babysitter for us. Well, it’s not like we need one…"

"So I can stay home?" asked Inojin.

"No, we’ll find you someone else!"


"Hey, Inojin! Let’s play some games!" I don’t want to think of my mom right now. Dad will save her for sure-ttebasa! Or he’d be a bad husband.

"Okay, Kawaki can play with us. I have three joysticks."

"Great! Kawaki, you never did it, right?"

"Well, no… Jigen imagined the fun a little differently."

"O.. kay. I’ll teach you-ttebasa!"

Naruto’s POV

Hinata was unconscious. I already called an ambulance, but I have no experience with this. I don’t know how should I keep her alive. But I already saw Sasuke.

"Naruto, you are too fast, what happened?"

"Well…" I pointed at dead Amado.

"Okay, and what about your family?"

"I called an ambulance. Amado shot Hinata to her stomach. She’s unconscious right now. What should I do?"

"Let me look at her. Sakura taught me some basics."

"Really?! You could be a doctor then!"

"I said basics you idiot." He touched her neck.

"Great, she’s alive. I feel her pulse." Then he put his ear on her chest.

"Oi, Sasuke…" I frowned at him.

"But her heart beats irregularly. She needs oxygen. I should give her artificial respiration, but I think you can handle it. I don't want to have problems."

"Okay, tell me what should I do?"

"I’ll show you." He knows I wouldn’t understand it. He put one hand one her forehead and the other on her chin. He opened her mouth and squeezed her nose.

"And then put your lips on hers and give her air." I did as he said. I did it two times. Then he put his ear on her chest again.

"It’s better, but do it again." While I was repeating it, Himawari was hiding behind Sasuke. She was really scared.

"I-it’s my fault… mommy tried to save me…" I see. Hinata, you are the true heroine here. When the rhythm of her heart was fine, she woke up.

"Naruto-kun, you are alive…" She smiled. I put my hand on her cheek.


"Please, save the baby…" She closed her eyes again. Wait… baby? Sasuke smirked.

"Sasuke, what did she mean by that?"

"You are really an idiot. She’s pregnant. I wonder how could you make her three kids." Pregnant… She didn’t manage to tell me… I’m really an idiot.

"Will the baby survive?"

"I don’t know. You have to wait for the experts." How can I wait in this situation?! The others came too. They navigated the ambulance.

"Eyy, Naruto’s wife is here!" Killer Bee.

"I hope my Hinata is all right!" Toneri.

"Why are we even here?" Utakata and Yagura. Yeah, they were useless in the end. Just like the beasts. But I didn’t want to make the same mistake and underestimate Amado. He didn’t have much chances here though. The ambulance took care of Hinata and girls. I went with them.

Sasuke too because he knew Sakura will be in the hospital. I told the others to go home. It was a difficult day. I should give everyone time off for their work. I don't think anyone so dangerous will show up here now. But the case will also be investigated by the police to give them a chance to shine. But I'm not going to jail, it was self-defense. The same goes for Jigen’s case.


This is the end of the 3rd season. I hope you like it and it was not so meaningless 💜💜 I really enjoyed writing it. The 4th season will be the last and maybe the longest. I'll take a week off now. I want to write few chapters in advance. But I'll post at least my new artworks. 😊

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