Chapter 6: Time Skip

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Two years later…

Sumire’s POV

I was looking out the plane window. I'm just flying to New York. Maybe you ask why? Well… I’ll tell you my story.

With Kawaki it was amazing. We started dating and also had double dates with Boruto and Sarada. We went back to school. It was hard from the beginning. Well, Kawaki had it worse, but I tutored him and at least we spent more time together. Besides this, my relationship with others got worse. Girls hated me even more now when Kawaki was taken.

Sometimes they waited for me in front of the school, but Kawaki always appeared to save me. When it wasn’t him, it was Boruto, so I can’t complain. Boruto apologized to Mitsuki and they were best friends again. Mitsuki was really glad Boruto’s himself again.

We were also hanging out with him and ChoCho, but they argued a lot because Mitsuki always said something he didn’t mean and ChoCho took it too seriously. They are really funny couple. From my class also Wasabi and Iwabe found their way. They don’t want to admit it and they are still not dating, but it’s really obvious.

Sarada’s father found out about them in no time. He was really furious, but Sakura-san calmed him down. She supported their relationship unlike him.

Me and Kawaki found a part-time job because Boruto’s sibling was almost on the world and we didn’t want to bother anymore. We found an old, but cheap apartment. It was really great for that cost. My life was amazing and Kawaki supported me a lot, but one moment ruined it all. That was the day I visited my father at the prison.

Naruto-san needed me to talk to him. He still wasn’t sure about his release. I was really nervous that day, but Kawaki grabbed my hand and told me that there’s nothing to worry about. I believed him and calmed down. But when I saw him…

He didn’t look well. He had bruises I guess from other prisoners. And then he opened his mouth…


"Sumire, is that you? I’m surprised you are still alive…"

"Why wouldn’t I be?!"

"You are weak, did you at least fulfill the work I gave you?"

"At first I wanted, but they stopped me and I ran away and then I found my future boyfriend…"

"You are kidding, right? You gave up all I gave you just for a stupid boy?!"

"J-just a stupid boy?! Dad, he saved my life! I wanted to commit a suicide before he appeared!"

"Maybe you should. You wouldn’t be bothering others at least… You are such a burden…"

"I see you didn’t change… Are you still blaming me for mom’s death?"

"Yes, but that’s besides the point…"

"No, it’s not! That’s why you are so harsh on me?! If it’s anyone’s fault then yours! You lost all our money for stupid gambling!" He slapped me. I was afraid… I was alone in the room. Just with him…

"You owe me your life, so you’ll do as I say! I heard you are living with boss of FBI. Do something with him. Seduce him or his son. He’ll let me go this way."

"Are you crazy?! I have a boyfriend, I told you! And "the boss" has a loving wife and almost three children. His son also has a great girlfriend! And I love Kawaki."

"Kawaki you say? I think I heard about him. His father was such a poor pig. Are you really dating this loser?! I always knew you are good for nothing!"

This hurts… but what did I expect? I wanted to leave… but he grabbed my hand.

"Listen, either you’ll get me out of the prison or something bad can happen to your beloved boyfriend. I have contacts. Think about it."

"I’m sick of you!!" I ran away with tears in my eyes. He changed… to worse. I thought the prison could help him to find a way… I was so naive. But he’s saying the truth. He has contacts and is good at tricking others. I bet he’s just playing innocent here to get out as soon as possible…

End of flashback

He wasn’t lying. He knew how Kawaki looked like because he knew his father. He hired a few acquaintances and one day Kawaki came home beaten up. I wanted to contact the police or Naruto-san, but there’s no way they could help us. We had no evidence… Kawaki was acting though and said it’ll be okay. But he had broken ribs. We at least visited the hospital. And I knew Kawaki’s in danger. I couldn’t tell it anyone. We were on our own and I didn’t know what should I do.


Hi everyone, I'm sorry it took me so long, I was still thinking how to start it, but I think it's going good so far. I will not publish chapters regularly. I have problems with school and in my personal life now, so that's it. I want to thank you all for the support. I'm also thinking about writing new KawaSumi story after this that wouldn't be so messy. 😅 But I rather not promise anything. I hope you liked it. Have a nice day. Also I'll post sometimes AMVs I'm trying to do on YouTube right now.

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