Chapter 12: Don't talk to me

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Eida’s POV

I’m home… That was my first thought when I arrived at the airport. But it wasn't a happy idea. I have to meet my selfish father again. My assistant Code was waiting for me at the airport.

"Eida, I’m glad you are back!" he said.

"Well, I’m not. Amado is exaggerating this. It's my 21st birthday in two weeks and we have to start preparing for the wedding."

"W-wait, you already chose one of them?"

"No… I will decide on the wedding."

"Eida, don’t do it…"

"Code, take me to my father." He nodded. He was dissapointed, but what can I do? Damn it. It will be better to ignore him from now on or it will hurt even more… I arrived in Washington, DC in three hours. There's the FBI base. Amado was already waiting for me in my office.

"Took you long," he said, smoking a pipe.

"Shut up, you have no right to talk to me."

"Hmm, you shouldn’t talk to your father this way, Eida."

"Someone who forces me into an arranged marriage is not my father!"

"All right, do what you want. So who will be my son-in-law?" I clenched my fists.

"I don’t know, I have to choose."

"Tss, with that love potion I gave you it should be easy. You could even seduce the head of the FBI."

"No way! He’s married and has kids!"

"And? That’s an issue?"

"Are you kidding?! You have no manners, do you?! Even that thing with love potion is bad!" He smoked.

"That's your point of view. I do it for you and for America. It will certainly be advantageous to have better relations with Japan."

"And that’s just your point of view! Nothing good will come out of this!"

"I’m sorry about that romantic love, but you’ll understand me one day. I hope you at least seduced the son of the FBI."

"I seduced both."

"Idiot, he has only one son. That other one is just an orphan. He’s worthless."

"Well, I didn’t know that. But he cares for him like for his own son. It doesn’t matter."

"Everyone says that, but we know that everyone likes more their own child. I’m an example." I frowned.

"You didn’t have to kill my step brother. Mom didn’t love you and I don’t blame her. She ran away from us. From you and married someone else."

"That b*tch was just ruining my plans. But never mind, she’s already dead." This is unbearable. I went to my room. I can’t stay in the same room as him. If mom didn’t die of cancer, she would stop him. So I would. But I’m alone. No one will help me.

Sumire’s POV

"Why are you so cold towards her, Boruto-kun? She did nothing wrong."

"Don’t get involved, that’s my business-ttebasa." This way no one will like him… Like him. Then I didn't want to talk to him anymore. I’m scared of his sudden change of personality. What did that Eida do to him? When we got to class, I saw Kawaki. I felt relieved. I went to sit with him.

"Occupied," he said coldly. He put his hand on the other desk.

"Huh? By who?"

"By my hand, leave."

"Kawaki, why are you avoiding me? Don’t think I didn’t notice." He looked away.

"No reason."

"And again, you avoid eye contact…" He sweated. Why? Is he nervous?

"All right, class. I see we are all here-kore. Sumire, sit down." Kawaki put his hand away and I sat next to him.

"Damn it!" he muttered.

"Boruto, how is your father today?"

"How should I know that…" he said coldly. He usually yelled at Konohamaru-sensei.

"Oh… you don’t want to talk about it. What about you, Kawaki? I know you live with him." He looked at him.

"Well, he’s fine."

"I’m happy to hear that!" His eyes shined. He must be his big fan.

"Hey, you live with the legendary Uzumaki Naruto?" asked Iwabe-kun.

"Haah? And what if I do?"

"That’s not fair! Not only Boruto, but some brat just comes and decides that he will be his father. You have no respect!"

"Damn it, what’s your problem, asshole? You are more annoying than that shrimp."

"What did you call me?!" He came to Kawaki.

"Iwabe, Kawaki, this is enough! I have a lesson here-kore!" Iwabe-kun returned.

"This is not over!" he muttered.

"Ahh, I’m glad my father is just a secret detective. I don’t have to care about these problems…" muttered Inojin-kun.

"That was so cool!" Chocho-chan’s eyes shined. She really likes boys, doesn’t she?

"Hmm, he could be my friend," said Mitsuki-kun. He’s as weird as his father…

"Boys are so annoying," muttered Sarada-chan. She is the opposite of Chocho-chan. She doesn’t like boys at all.

"T-that was so scary… At least we have math after this subject where I can relax," said Denki-kun.

"Okay! Let's put the power of young into learning!" said Metal-kun.

"What a drag… Damn Boruto…" said sleepily Shikadai-kun. Everyone in the class is so interesting that I had to remember their names.

"We really need a class rep-kore…" Class rep? That sounds interesting… Kawaki calmed down, but he didn't talk to me at all, not even in math, where he had problems.

"I don’t understand a thing… I should give up." I looked at his notebook.

"Hmm? Kawaki, you divided the numbers wrong. You have to switch them to get the right result." I smiled.

"Tss, I know that!" Huh?

"Hey, Kakashi-sensei, can you explain it again?" asked Iwabe-kun.

"Huh? Don't you understand it yet?" He stroked his head.

"Sorry, but I still want to read the new release of Icha-Icha Tactics 5. Boruto's grandfather worked on it for a long time."

"Since when is he my grandfather? He just took care of dad, nothing more." Without Eida-san, he is grumpy. He is no longer annoyed only by Sarada-chan, but also by his surroundings. I’m worried about him…

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