Chapter 17: New Beginnings

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No one’s POV

Sumire was lying in a bed when Kawaki came for her. He tried to make her feel better, but she didn’t listen.

"You don’t understand, Kawaki, he was my last family!"

"Aren’t you forgetting about me?! And I also lived all my life without any family!"

"But you hated your father, that’s different!"

"Don’t tell me you liked yours after everything he has done to you!"

"I was just scared! I thought it’s hatred, but it was just a fear! Now I know I truly loved him even after everything! I can’t forget about the good things he has done too!"

"This is pointless, you are so stubborn.."

"I see, you just don’t understand me, right? And I thought you are the only one.."

"What? Of course I understand you!"

"No, you don’t. You are sometimes too emotionless, Kawaki. And it hurts people around you." Kawaki was quiet after this. He was scared Sumire sees him like this too. They didn’t talk all day then.

The next day Sumire was no where to be found. Her things were gone. The morning Kawaki learned how Sumire felt. He lost someone really important to him. His family. He tried to look for her with Boruto’s help, but Boruto convinced him it’s pointless when it was Sumire’s decision. That he can’t force her to be with him. Kawaki felt offended, but then he knew Boruto’s right. He can’t force Sumire to love him.

And what happened to Sumire? She was traveling through Japan. She used her money from the part-time job for living in hotels and other things. But then she met an interesting person. He was on his way to work. She decided to follow him. He ended up in one local college. She decided to wait for him.

"Ughh, these young people don’t know anything about modern world. About science and technology.. I guess I’m too old for this.."

"Excuse me, sir, did you talk about science?" His eyes shined.

"What’s your name, young girl?!"

"Sumire, Kakei Sumire."

"You know, science can help with observation of people, the world or the whole universe. Science can move this world to a whole new level, but no one believes it. They say I’m crazy old man with no future.."

"That’s cruel.. I believe science can help a lot of people and save their lives! If it’s used right and not like back then then it can make the world better."

"Finally someone understands! My name is Katasuke. I have laboratory in New York. If you wanted, you could go there with me!"


"Yes, what do you say?!" He held my hands..

"I don’t know.. I can’t leave my boy.. I mean friend here."

"Then he can go with us."

"No, he can’t know where I am. I need space." He was confused.

"All right! I’m going! I also want to change from the old days. I want to become a better person."

"That’s perfect! I’ll book us tickets and tell you when it’s flying. Do you have a mobile phone?"

"Yes, here’s the number."

"Here’s mine. Call me, if you changed you mind."

"I don’t think that’ll be necessary. Thank you, Katasuke-san."

He nodded and left. Sumire was excited for her new life. She wants to move on from her life in Japan.

Few days later

Sumire’s POV

I was looking out the plane window. I’m just flying to New York.

I’m prepared for my new life. I also want to learn more about the other side of the world. And Eida and Code are also in USA. I could pay them a visit. I giggled at the thought. I remember how much I was jealous of Eida and now I want to become her friend. So silly.

Kawaki’s just a past right now. At least that’s what I want to think, but deep down I still love him. I’d like to apologize and jump into his arms, but it’s too late for this right now. I’m also sure Kawaki will have a better life without me..

Kawaki’s POV

I was sitting on a bench. Smoking cigarettes one by one.

"Kawaki, what are you doing?! I know you are already twenty, but you are damaging your health!"

"Shut up, Boruto. I can do whatever I want."

"Do you think Sumire would want this? Seeing you as such a mess?!"

I grabbed his shirt.

"Don’t talk about her! This has nothing to do with her!"

"Yeah, sure. Then tell it to my face! Tell me you don’t love her!"

"I don’t.." That wasn’t my face.."

"I don’t love her, all right?!!"

"Then why are you crying?"

"Stop it, it’s you who told me to give up."

"I never told you to give up on her. I just knew she needs a space after what happened. Man, you are giving up too fast. Are you sure you love her?"

"I told you I don’t!"

"Heh, all right, then happy life Kawaki. By the way, Sumire called Sarada some time ago."

"What?? And you didn’t tell me?!"

"Well, you didn’t look like you care.."

"I love her, Boruto! You know how important it is to me?!"

"So tsundere, she just said she moved to USA and that she’s happy there. She found there finally something that makes her happy."

"I see, that’s good." I was sad. She already moved on, huh?"

"She didn’t say it was human. It can be some thing. You are really hopeless."

"And what, do you know how is USA big? I have no chance in finding her there."

"But you have there some friends, right? They’d probably help you." That’s it! Code might know something more!

"You are right, I’ll go there!"

"I hope not in these clothes. Change yourself and then go you homeless bastard."

I punched his chest.

"I owe you, Boruto! Thanks!"

"Nah, just be happy-ttebassa." I decided to get the first plane that’s flying to USA. I can’t give up. Not after we went through.


Hope you liked the new chapter. I'm proud of this part actually ❤️

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