Chapter 17: Beach

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One week later

Sumire’s POV

"All right, are we all?" asked Shino-sensei.

"I think we are, Shibo-sensei," said Mitsuki-kun.

"I see. And stop calling me that." He smiled at him. We got on the bus and left the town.

"Sumire, can you please take care of it from now on? I have something else to do…" He had an encyclopedia of insects in his hand. I smiled.

"Of course."

"Really? Thank you, then I will evaluate you properly for it." I nodded.

"Oi, what about me?" asked Kawaki.


"Well, I’m going to help her…"

"O-of course, you too, Kawaki."

"And Shino-sensei, me too!" said Sarada-chan.

"Uhh, of course, Sarada…"

"What did I get myself into?" muttered Shino-sensei. Sarada-chan smirked. I sat with Kawaki. In front of us sat Wasabi-chan and Namida-chan.

After a while, Kawaki fell asleep. Suddenly they turned to me.

"Sumire, how are you?" asked Wasabi-chan.

"Oh, I’m fine. Thank you for asking," I said. But I felt a little different. I still had to think about the memories that kept running through my head.

"I-I’m glad about it," said Namida-chan.

"Now to the point, why didn't you tell us you were dating Kawaki?" asked Wasabi-chan.

"Huh? W-we are not dating… we are just friends…"

"Friends, right," she didn’t believe me.

"But you look very close…" said Namida-chan.

"M-maybe, but that’s all. It’s not like we kissed or something, hahah." I blushed.

"And who talked about a kiss?" Wasabi-chan smirked. I wasn’t careful! Namida-chan blushed out of sudden. I covered my red face. This is embarassing…

"Did you hear that? That little b*tch kissed our Kawaki-kun…" Huh?

"Yeah, but that will change. He will fall for my body on the beach."

"You meant my body…" They laughed. They won’t stop, will they? Wasabi-chan frowned at them.

"I'd rather break their painted faces!"

"C-control yourself, Wasabi-chan… Anyway…" She smiled at me.

"Don’t worry about it, Sumire-chan. Kawaki-kun wouldn’t even want these mean girls. And don’t worry about the things they are saying about you…"

"Wait, what are they saying?" I was a little scared. Namida-chan looked at Wasabi-chan.

"W-well, you know, Sumire. Behind your back, they are always talking badly about you… I wouldn’t rather say what they are saying."

"Please tell me," I said seriously.

"Hahah, well, you know… They are saying that your ugly. Mainly your purple hair because it’s not a normal hair color… And they are laughing at your chest and other things…"

"My chest?" My chest is a little bigger than other girls. I've always been ashamed of it. But I inherited it from my mother, for which I'm also a little happy.

"But we think you are beautiful, so don’t worry about others!" said seriously Wasabi-chan. I smiled. I finally have real friends. Namida-chan nodded. I didn't notice, but Kawaki was half up. I wonder if he heard us… Suddenly the bus stopped.

"All right, we are here. In the end, I decided to divide you into two groups. There are two beaches, so each group will go to a different beach. Sarada and Boruto will go to the second beach with their group."

"Haah?! Why me-ttebasa?!"

"Because I said so, Boruto, don’t think you don’t have to listen to me just because Naruto is your father."

"I didn’t even say that…" Boruto-kun muttered.

"Great, I have to be with this idiot…" said Sarada-chan, but she was blushing.

"And Sumire and Kawaki, you and your group will go to the first beach. I will give you papers with your tasks. Don't think you'll just have fun. Mitsuki, if you want, you can come with me." He smirked.

"Of course, Shibo-sensei." He smiled. Shino-sensei was irritated. He handed us papers with the tasks. We were supposed to collect garbage. Animals that swam to the beach, put back in the sea and collect old shells. Whoever manages all the tasks will get A for the activity on the trip… This is interesting. I would do it even without the A.

"Let’s go," said Kawaki. I nodded. We and our group went to the first beach. It is a pity that Namida-chan and Wasabi-chan belonged to the group with Sarada-chan and Boruto-kun. But at least I’m with Kawaki.

"Uhh, that’s so annoying. What are we supposed to do here?" muttered Kawaki. In the meantime, I spread a blanket on the beach. I was already wearing a swimsuit. I have nowhere to change here. I took off my uniform. I was only wearing a bikini. I knew it, it’s so embarrassing! I blushed.

"Huh?" Kawaki looked at me. I looked away. I covered my chest.

"I-it suits you…" He turned his back on me.

"R-really? T-thank you…" I’m so nervous…

"Hey, Kawaki-kun! Look at me!" said some girl. I frowned at her. He looked at her, but he was uninterested.

"And what?" He’s really uninterested! That girl frowned at me.

"Stupid Sumire, she gets all the attention!" she muttered. Kawaki took of his shirt. He was also wearing a swimsuit. Ahh, I can’t look at him! But all girls stared at him.

"H-he’s so hot!" said Chocho-chan. She was in my group. She’s not afraid to say it out loud. I would faint. But Kawaki was annoyed.

"I shouldn’t go here. It's annoying…"

"But we still have the tasks. We should work together," I said and he nodded.

"E-everyone, let’s do the tasks!" I tried to yell. But no one listened to me. Only Chocho-chan who nodded.

"Uhh, you are too quiet. Hey assholes! Let’s do the tasks or I’ll beat your asses!" Everyone nodded. I admire Kawaki for it, even though it was a rude way to say it.

"T-thank you," I said.

"As I said, you are too quiet. You don’t believe in yourself, do you?" I shook my head.

"Tss, you should learn it. With this attitude you won’t achieve anything." I nodded. He’s right.


I hope you liked the chapter! 😁

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