Chapter 8: Help

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Sumire’s POV

My leg still hurt. My ankle was swollen.

"Does it still hurt?" he asked. I took my foot off. I saw how swollen it was.

"Yes, but don’t worry about it. It will be fine." I smiled.

"This won’t be fine! You should go to the hospital!"

"How? I’m a wanted criminal just because of my revenge…"

"Tss. What can I do with you?!" He ripped off a piece of his clothes and bandaged my leg.

"This should be enough."

"Thank you…" I blushed.

"I said don’t thank me for stupid things!"

"You are not used to it, right? No one thanked you for anything before…"

"That’s not your business!" I looked down.

"You are right. It’s not. But… I feel special connection to you. I always thought that I’m the only one with horrible childhood and always was asking why me. But now that I met you, I’m not alone. I feel more confident in myself." He looked at me.

"Believe me, we are not the only ones."

"Huh?" He clenched his fists. Is there something he didn’t tell me? But I won’t ask him. I will wait until he will be ready to tell me…

"So here you are hiding!" I heard a female voice. Who is she?! Is she from the police?! She came closer to us. She had unusual white eyes and long straight dark blue hair with bangs.

"Who are you?!" asked Kawaki.

"I’m not someone dangerous, Kawaki-kun." She smiled. How does she know his name?

"I knew it, you are a damn spy, aren’t you?!" A spy?! Kawaki stood up in front of me.

"I will fight if I have to. I won’t let you take us!"

"Wait, I don’t want to hurt you. I came to help you. But you are right, I’m a spy."

"I knew it!" Kawaki attacked her. But she dodged it. Then she grabbed his arms. He couldn’t move.

"Your moves. You are well trained!" said Kawaki.

"Oh, thank you, Kawaki-kun. But please, stop it. My intention is not to hurt you. My husband wants to help you too." Huh? Husband?

"I don’t care about your damn husband! I won’t let you take us!"

"Ahh…" She looked in her purse. She pulled out her cell phone.

"Do you want to take a picture of us?!"

"Not at all. Here. This is my husband. Uzumaki Naruto, the head of the FBI. So you are safe. My mission was to find Sumire-chan, but here I learned about you, Kawaki-kun." She’s… nice. And her husband looks friendly.

"I don’t believe any of this crap!!" I touched his arm.

"I believe her, Kawaki. I think she wants to help us! She also told us the details of her mission what she might be fired for.

"Heh, her boss is her husband. She doesn’t have to worry about these things!"

"That’s not true. My husband can’t be protective over me in the job. Otherwise he would be a bad leader." She smiled.

"I believe her, Kawaki! And we can’t live like this forever! Ahh!" My leg hurt again when I stood up.

"Your leg!" She said. She pulled ointment from her purse.

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