Chapter 3: Pregnancy

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Hanabi's POV

Me and Naruto waited till the operation ended. I heard there had to be even gynecologist because of the baby. It's really terrible, but after one hour they were finally done.

While Naruto stayed there with Himawari, and Boruto left to see Sumire, I went to find the Sakura who operated Nee-sama. Sakura was just leaving the operating room, so I confronted her.

"Sakura! Is Nee-sama all right?!" I yelled at her.

"Hanabi!" She smiled.

"Yes, Hinata is completely all right after the surgery. She just needs few days to rest. There were just some problems because of the embryo, so it took longer than we wanted, but don't worry. Your sister is stabilized, the embryo too."

"Uhh, embryo?"

"The baby, but it's just a start of your sister's pregnancy, so it's still just an embryo."

"I see... When can I see her?"

"She's still under anesthesia, but she should wake up in an hour. You can wait in the waiting room." I wasn't doing that till now...

"Thanks, Sakura."

"No problem, I'm also glad Hinata is all right. But I was really surprised about the news. She didn't even tell me..."

"I think she wanted Naruto to be the first to know."

"Yeah, you are right. I'd do the same thing in her place. Well, say hello to Hinata from me. I'm still busy right now." I nodded and then she left. An hour, huh? What should I do...? Well, I think I should call TenTen... She already waited too long. I found her number in my phone.

"Come on, pick it up..."

"Who's calling?"

"Oh, TenTen, it's me, Hanabi. I guess Neji-nii-san didn't give you my number..."

"Hanabi! I-I heard Naruto is back and Sasuke, but where is Neji? I still didn't hear anything from him and he's not picking up the phone... I'm so worried!" I bowed my head.

"TenTen, can you please come to the Konoha hospital? I'll explain everything to you here..."

"Sure... I hope you are not hiding something from me."

"D-don't stress that much! You are pregnant..."

"Hah, I won't be anymore. I think the baby already wants to go out."

"R-really? That soon?"

"It's been 8 months already... Don't tell me you forgot!"

"No... Well, just come."

"Okay, bye."

"Bye!" I quickly hung up. How can I say it to her?! Damn it, I should leave it to Naruto. It's his fault anyway! But I won't be a coward. I'll tell her. I went back to Naruto and Himawari.

"So? What did the doctor say?!"

"Nee-sama is all right. The baby... embryo too. She'll wake up in an hour."

"Really?! Then why are you so upset?"

"I just called TenTen... You know, she should give birth to their baby soon..."

"No way... now I feel even more guilty."

"C-couldn't we just avoid it?! Did you have to do the dangerous mission?! It was almost 100% sure someone will die!"

"No, I couldn't. Otherwise Kawaki and Boruto would still be bothered by Eida and Amado. I had to end it once ad for all. Even though it took a sacrifice. Neji is a hero for me."

"That's cute, but how should I tell it to TenTen?! She still doesn't know anything..."

"Well, I'm sure you'll come up with a way how to gently tell her."

"Wow, thanks then."

"Hey, don't make a coward from me! It was you who said it'll be the best if a woman tells it to her!"

"Right, right, I'm so stupid."

"Well, I'll go check up on Sumire, Boruto and Kawaki. Good luck!" He left even with Himawari who wanted to see Sumire too. Geez. So now I waited for TenTen...

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