Chapter 13: I'm home

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Kawaki’s POV

That bastard! Tss. I couldn't stand it anymore and I ran away. I'd rather live alone again…

"Mom, dad, I love you!"

"We love you too, Haru!" They hugged. Family. What a stupid thing...

"Kawaki." Huh? Behind me stood Uzumaki Naruto.

"What do you want, asshole?!"

"I’m sure Sumire is worried about you. Come back." I smirked.

"Never!" I ran away. But when I turned left, he was standing there.


"Stop being childish-ttebayo."

"How did you-?!"

"Well, I’m known for my speed. Now come back." Tss. I won't run away from the head of the FBI. I looked up. But I could… I climbed on the roof. I have a chance to escape on the roof! I jumped over a few other roofs. He can't catch me now!

"Yo!" No way! He was standing in front of me.

"Tss, what do you want from me?!"

"To calm down. You haven't paid Himawari your debt yet, have you?" I felt guilty.

"Or do you want to be the same person as your father?"

"Of course not! I’m nothing like that pig!"

"Then prove it-ttebayo!" He’s right. Words are useless.

"Fine, I’ll go back…"

"Finally a reasonable word. Let’s go back." He smiled. I don't know why, but I feel kind of safe with him. But that's not all... I finally feel wanted. I finally know my existence.

Sarada’s POV

"Ahh, I’m so tired!" Mama lay down on the couch. I understand her, she operated three times today. I wish papa was here to help us. Huh? I heard a noise outside.

"Kurama, I thought you already mastered it!"

"Shut up, Sasuke brat! I did what I could!"

"You stupid fox, I’m 37!"

"Damn you are old."

"If you weren’t Naruto’s pet, I’d strangle you!" Sasuke? That’s name of my father… Suddenly the door opened.

"I’m home…" That voice… I remember him…

"Papa!" I ran to greet him.

"Who are you?" I couldn’t belive my ears. He hadn't seen me in twelve years, but he could remember me…

"Don’t you remember your own daughter?!" I cried.

"Oh, Sarada. You have grown a lot. How old are you?"

"I’m 15!"

"15? I see… Where is Sakura?"

"Mama is sleeping."

"I see… I wanted to go see Naruto anyway. Do you know where he lives?"

"You just came home and all you care about is Naruto-san?!"

"It’s important."

"Papa, do you love mama?"

"Huh? What kind of question is this?"

"Just answer!" He touched my forehead.

"Yes, I love her. Just like you…" He tapped my forehead. I blushed. So this is better than a kiss… Then he went to see mama.

"Sakura, I’m home…" He covered her with a blanket and kissed her forehead. I guess he didn’t lie.

"Oi brat, I’m thirsty!" W-who’s that? I looked down. It was a fox.

"It speaks!!"

"Of course I speak. Now give me water." I was confused. But I gave it water. It drank it.

"W-who are you?"

"Hah? You don’t know? I see Naruto didn’t mention me. Naruto is my master. I’m one of the nine beasts."

"I read about you! Your father is Ootsutsuki Hagoromo, right?!"

"Yeah, you are not that stupid I see." I smirked.

"Sarada, let’s go!" said papa.

"O-of course…" I carried Kurama and led papa to Naruto-san. He knocked on the door. Someone opened the door.

"Sasuke-kun, is that you?" asked Hinata-san.

"Yeah, where is Naruto?"

"He went to find Kawaki-kun. You can wait for him here. You too, Kurama."

"Yo Hinata!" It smirked.

"Sarada-chan, you can stay too."

"That’s all right. I want to go back to mama."

"All right, say hello to Sakura-chan for me."

"I will!" I said goodbye and left. There's no point in staying there with that idiot.

"Maybe you just like him, Sarada…" No! That’s impossible! He’s so annoying and stupid! I wouldn’t like a guy like him… Never…

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