Chapter 19: Help me

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Kawaki's POV

Where is Sumire? Damn, she's gone and didn't tell me anything. Idiot. I found the fat girl.

"Hey fat girl, where is Sumire?" She frowned at me.

"Why should I know that?"

"You are her friend, aren't you?"

"So are you." She winked. Uhh, she's getting on my nerves.

"Just tell me if you know where she is!"

"Well, I just know that she left with some girls, that's all."

"Girls? Don't you know their names?"

"I think it was Asame..."

"Thanks." I knew it! That troublemaker again! I went to find her. Damn, where is she?

"Did you see her face? It was hilarious..." They laughed. Her... She must mean Sumire.

"Yeah, Sumire surely didn't expect this!" They laughed again. I clenched my fists. What did they do to her?! But one thing is for sure, she's in the forest, because the chicks were leaving from there. Just wait, Sumire!

I took my things and went looking for her. To be sure, I took a flashlight. It was getting dark and I still couldn't find her. Damn it.

"P-please! Help!!" Someone was crying. That voice... It has to be her. I followed her voice... But suddenly I saw a big crack. That high... if she fell there... I won't forgive them! I didn't have a rope with me, so I just jumped in there.

"Uhh!" I probably sprained my ankle because of the sharp fall.

"Sumire!!" I yelled. She wasn't there.

"Help..." There she is! I followed her voice again. I found her, but... she was in horrible state. She was lying in a puddle. Her clothes were torn and her leg and arm were broken. She was all dirty. Plus, she's very tired.

"Sumire!" It wasn't until a while later that I realized she was unconscious. Tss. There was nothing else to do. I had to took her to my arms. The problem is... How the hell do we get up?!

"Kawaki!" I heard our teacher. I followed his voice and found him.

"How?" I asked.

"Chocho, she was wondering what is taking you so long. Then the three girls admitted to throwing Sumire here." He frowned at them.

"W-we are sorry..." Yeah, like I would fall for this bullshit.

"Kawaki, give me Sumire." I handed her to him carefully.

"She's badly injured!! Ladies, her legal representatives will be able to claim compensation from you, perhaps more."

"Huh? No! We didn't want this!"

"Her legal representatives can take it as an attempted murder. Prepare for the worst." They were upset and they have a reason. Shino-sensei helped me to get up. The trip was immediately canceled due to Sumire's injuries. At least something good... They called our guardians first.

"Hinata, it's you. I just wanted to tell you that Sumire is badly injured and dehydrated. She's unconscious. We already called her an ambulance... Hinata, are you there?"

"Y-yeah, I'm just shocked. I'll be there in a minute!"

"You don't have to be in such a rush. But I understand that you are worried... I'll tell you everything there. Goodbye, Hinata."

"G-goodbye, Shino-kun..." Good, at least someone cares for her. Everyone was gone, but the teacher allowed me to go to the hospital with him. He still had something to do with Hinata. And they have to treat my sprained ankle, even though I think it's useless.

Sarada's POV

Uhh, we are divided into two groups. But at least I'll be with Boruto. Too bad ChoCho is not with me...

"Uhh, Boruto, I hope you won't do something stupid as always..."

"Huh? Why should I do that-ttebasa?" I'd be glad if you did... You changed so much...

"Never mind, let's go to the beach!" He annoys me so much. But the beach and the sea was beautiful! It should be a two-day trip, so I hope nothing will go wrong. And Mitsuki is also gone... He's funny, I like him... But I don't blame him after what Boruto said to him. Just because he was nice to him! I can't believe him! Mitsuki didn't deserve this... And I'm afraid now is my turn... This way Boruto will lose everyone.

I went to change to the toilets. I put on my bikini. I wanted to impress Boruto, but I don't care anymore... Boruto was sitting alone on the shore. He's a typical loner now. Before, he befriended everyone... I really want to help him...

"A kiss of true love would help him..." Uhh! I don't even believe it's me! Why should I do it?! And why am I thinking about it?! I went to him.

"Are you alone?"

"Are you blind?" And again! I want to slap him so badly!

"Hey Boruto, why are you so rude? This way no one will like you!"

"I don't care, I want only Eida to like me." That damn Eida again. Why can't he just forget her?

"Forget about her, Boruto, she's just using you!"

"That's not true-ttebasa! She loves me!" I face-palmed.

"Think what you want, I'm just telling you the truth. You should wake up."

"I don't understand why you all don't like Eida! That's why I don't need any of you!"

"Boruto..." I was upset about it...

"Hey Sarada, join us!" yelled Wasabi.

"Huh, join?"

"Yeah! We want to go surfing!"

"Uhh, I'm sorry. I don't think it's a good idea."

"You are no fun-!" Huh?

"B-be more careful, Wasabi-chan!" Wasabi ran at such a speed that she slipped on the sand. And now... and now I was on top of Boruto.

"W-what are you doing?!" he yelled. Our faces were so close. Now is my chance... now is my chance! I wanted to kiss him, but he pushed me away.

"Are you crazy?! Let go of me!!" He blushed. He blushed! But I didn't kiss him in the end...

"Oh, sorry, Sarada. I wasn't careful..." I frowned at her. Boruto wanted to leave, but..."

"Boruto, Sarada! Sumire and Kawaki lost! We have to find them!"


"Go with me! Wasabi, Namida, you'll stay here with the rest! Tell them to wait for us!" They nodded. We ran with Shino-sensei and Mitsuki to the forest.

"We heard a scream, but we didn't know it was Sumire!" said Mitsuki.

"I see..."

"Oi, Mitsuki, aren't you mad?" asked Boruto. He frowned at him.

"Now it's not time for this! We have to help them!" Thank god, Mitsuki is reasonable unlike someone else...

"Help!!" Kawaki? Yeah, that's definitely him. We found them and the teacher helped them. But Sumire was unconscious, so we had to cancel the trip suddenly. I don't mind, I'd be worried about her anyway. We called an ambulance and Hinata-san.

"All right, I'll take the others home by bus now. Boruto, Kawaki, you can go with me. Hinata will take you home. And Kawaki, your ankle doesn't look so good. Let them treat your wound."

"That's nice, but I don't want to go to the hospital. I'll go with others."

"Boruto!" Even Kawaki couldn't believe him. Sumire was always like a sister to him and now he doesn't even care for her.

"Can I go to? My mom should be there..."

"Sarada, when Sumire is injured, you are the only reasonable here. I want you to accompany the others to their parents."

"Yes..." I shouldn't ask.


I wish I knew who made this fan art. It's so cute! 💖💖

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