Chapter 1: Memories

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"Why are you sitting here?" he asked coldly.

"I’m sorry. But other seats are taken…"

"Well, I don’t mind. Do what you want." He doesn’t mind? I blushed a little.

"Today we will say something about history. Can anyone tell me when World War II started? It will suit the topic."

"September 1, 1939," said Kawaki. I know it too, but he surprised me.

"Correct, thank you, Kawaki. And as you all know, our country was also involved in this long war. At the time we attacked the Americans... They took revenge on us and dropped two atomic bombs on our two cities. Do you know their name?"

"Hiroshima and Nagasaki," said Kawaki. He knows even this?

"You know a lot about it, Kawaki."

"Of course, my useless grandfather was also involved. But at least he died there." I see. He really hates his family.

"A-all right, let’s continue the lesson," said Konohamaru-sensei. Sarada-chan was watching Kawaki.

"Hey Sarada, are you jealous because you didn’t know the answer?" Boruto-kun teased her.

"What are you saying?! Of course I knew it! But that Kawaki, he’s weird…" she whispered. I don’t blame her. She doesn’t know his past. But she’s not alone. Kawaki didn’t tell me everything either.

"Well, you are right about that. But why are watching him-ttebasa?"

"Huh? Well, he may be dangerous. I want to be prepared."

"Lies, you are interested in him like other girls. You are all the same. All you care about is appearance." Is he jealous?

"Haah?! Do you know who are you talking to?! I never cared about appearance! That’s why I was never interested in you!" Did she just admit that Boruto-kun is handsome?

"Huh? What was that?"

"N-nothing, shut up!!" She blushed. I smiled. They are so cute. But Konohamaru-sensei wasn’t so thrilled.

"Stop flirting, you two. I’m trying to teach you something-kore!"

"W-we weren’t flirting!!" they both yelled. They are so obvious. The first lesson was fine. I understood everything we learned. Kawaki didn't have any problems either, which pleasantly surprised me. The next lesson was Chemistry.

"Ara, ara, we have new brats here." He licked. I’m a little scared of him.

"Hey, what kind of teacher are you?!" asked Boruto-kun.

"The best one, Naruto-kun’s brat."

"I have a name too-ttebasa!!"

"I don’t care. You will always be Naruto-kun’s brat for me. You have Shibo after my lesson, right?"

"It’s Shino-sensei!" said Boruto.

"I knew it. I hope Shibo will teach you something useful unlike that last brat. Let’s start the lesson." The chemistry was really fun. Everything fascinated me. The teacher was a little weird, but chemistry is a really magical subject. I feel like I want to do chemistry one day… Kawaki wasn’t that interested.

"Damn potions, who cares about these things?"

"But Kawaki, Thanks to chemistry, you can make drugs that can save someone's life, isn't that exciting?" I said.

"No, it isn’t. Chemistry can also kill…" He’s so negative. One student was missing from us because our teacher is his father. After this lesson we had Shino-sensei.

"Are we all?"

"I’m sorry I’m late, Shibo-sensei."

"Mitsuki, I know he’s your father, but don’t call me Shibo. My name is Shino."

"All right, Shibo-sensei." He clenched his fists. He has it hard… But biology was also very interesting. And when the teacher talked about insects, his eyes lit up. He must really like them. We had math for another lesson, but the teacher still didn't come.

"Where is that asshole?" Kawaki was annoyed. He wanted to get rid of school as soon as possible. I still admire him for not running away. I kind of expected it.

"Oh, hello class. I see we have new classmates here."

"Don’t change the subject, Kakashi-sensei. You are late again! I can’t believe they didn’t fire you yet!" said Sarada-chan. She’s really strict on Kakashi-sensei.

"Uhh, you are second Sakura, really, Sarada. I got lost on my path of life so…"

"Keep it! You were reading that pervy book again, right?!"

"Hahah, I can’t deny it…"

"I knew it!" Although the math wasn't that long, I learned a lot. But Kawaki already had problems with this subject.

"Why are there so many numbers... What about the letters? Damn it!"

"I-I’ll help you. I think I understand it." I smiled.

"I don’t need your help!"

"Oh, all right…" I really wanted to help him. Then only lunch was waiting for us. School is not so bad. Actually, I enjoy it! I wanted to have lunch, but someone almost crashed into me and I almost fell. But someone caught me.

"Are you all right, Sumire?!"


"Oi bastard, pay attention on your way!!" He yelled at him. But the way he was holding me. Like a princess… I blushed. But Kawaki noticed us.

"Hey asshole, what are you trying to do?!" He took my hand.

"I just saved Sumire, no need to thank me."

"You bastard!" Kawaki wanted to punch him.

"Wait, it’s my fault!" I hugged him from behind. I had to calm him down.

"Huh?" He didn’t expect it. I just realized what I was doing… I blushed.

"Aww, I just… just…" I let him go.

"I don’t care, just stay away from this asshole."

"Huh? Why? He’s my friend."

"Friend. That word annoys me!" W-what’s with him?

"Damn it, what’s your problem?! I saved her, that’s all!"

"Tss, nothing. Just don’t touch her!" Don’t touch… her?

"You are really useless! Because of you your mother died! I wish you never existed!" He slapped me.

"Ahh, w-what are you saying, dad? Are you drunk again?"

"So what? It doesn’t change the fact that you are just a mistake…"

"W-wait, don’t touch me. Don’t touch me!!" He slapped me again. My face was all red. My face was swollen and sore.

Suddenly, those memories appeared in my head… I was breathing hard… I backed away. I didn't feel safe…

"Wait, Sumire!" Boruto-kun noticed that I was terrified for some reason. I ignored him and ran away. I ran out in front of the school. Even though I forgave my father for everything, I will never forget the things he did to me. In addition, I blame myself for my mother's death because of him… I leaned against the wall and cried.

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