Chapter 7: The story behind Jigen

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Kawaki's flashback

"W-where are you taking me? Where is my father?!" I was scared.

"Shut up. I’m your father."

"But my father…" He grabbed my wrist.

"Didn’t I tell you that I’m your father?!" I was quiet.

"That man who was taking care of you is dead now. Don’t talk about him."

"W-what do you mean?"

"I mean that you won’t see him ever again. Don’t worry." I was relieved.

"Still… where are you taking me?"

"You will like it there." I guess he won’t tell me anything.

Few hours later… we got somewhere.

"Delta, Boro, Garo, here is another brat. Take him."

"Uhh, why are we doing this, Jigen? It’s so annoying…"

"Delta, choose your words wisely. You have no right to talk to me this way."

"Tss!" She frowned at him.

"Let’s go, brat!" She took my hand.

"W-wait, that man said he’s my father…" She laughed.

"Hah, really? That fool. Well, he’s not. Or he is, but not only yours." What does she mean by it?

"I-it hurts!" She dragged me to some cell. But her grip was too strong. I had my hand crushed.

"Boy, if you can't stand this, you're useless. With this attitude, Jigen throws you in the trash the first day." Then she threw me in a cell and locked me.

"Wait! Don’t leave!" She smirked and left.

"N-no… I don’t want to be alone…"

"Hi, you are new here, right?"

"Huh? Who are you?"

"I’m Code, nice to meet you!" He smiled. But he had bruises and scratches on his body. He was all dirty and his clothes were torn.

"W-what happened to you?" He looked down.

"I tried to escape. They caught me and punished me for it. With a whip, sometimes a knife…" Huh?

"That’s horrible!" But... I have no right to say that. I really understand him very well. I've had bruises and cuts from bottle shards so many times…

"I understand…"

"Huh?" He looked at me.

"I understand your pain. My father was punishing me too. Look." I took off my shirt. I had bruises and cuts on my chest.

"Y-your father?" I nodded.

"He was always drunk. He told me I’m useless and good for nothing. With no future. But I didn’t hate him. If I were alone, it would be much worse. Nothing is worse than loneliness…" A tear flowed from my eye. I realized that I was completely alone now.

"You are right, but you are not alone! Not with me!" said Code. I looked at him. He grinned.

"Let’s be friends, okay?" I smirked.

"I’m Kawaki."

"Good!" He smiled. Code was two years older than me.

Few months later…

"C-Code, what are you doing? We have to help the others!"

"There’s no time for this, Kawaki! If we don't run, we'll end up like everyone else!" He’s right, but… But this is just too cruel. After seeing what they are planning with us…

"They are all useless, get rid of them, Delta…"

"I already thought you were crazy, Jigen! Why would you bother with those brats?!"

"Just do it… I thought that at least on the black market there would be interest in them... But they are all completely worthless. Even Kawaki and Code, in who I placed the greatest hopes. I even taught them to fight to be at least a little useful…"

Jigen! I hate this man! Code and I ran away after hearing this. As soon as we managed to escape, we heard screams. The screams of our friends. Then there was silence.



"Kawaki, Code, you won’t escape. Come back," said Jigen. He shot Code in the shoulder.

"You bastard, what did you do to him?!" I yelled.

"How dare you talk to your father like that. The same fate as Code awaits you."

"Code?" Suddenly, Code pushed me to the ground.

"Delta…" Delta gave him an injection. Suddenly, Code stopped moving.

"Run away, Kawaki…" I took a deep breath.

"Code!!!" I yelled. But there was no time for that now. I had to run. Go for help. I ran away, I don't know how, but I ran away. They didn't chase me. Something must have happened. I ran all day.

Eventually I ran out of energy and ended up in the nearest town. I had nowhere to go. I didn't know where I was. I ended up under a bridge…

End of flashback


I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I'm adding my drawing of Kawaki and Code here.

 I'm adding my drawing of Kawaki and Code here

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Maybe you know this scene from Black Clover. ☺️☺️

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