Chapter 12: Just you and I

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Boruto’s POV

It’s been a year now and we still don’t know much about Othutsuki. Dad doesn’t have much time now. He has to take care of Nozomi.

I would forget, mom already gave birth to a girl. Her name means "heart of hope" and we gave her this name after uncle Neji whose name means peace.. She’s carrying his hope and wishes now. She's eight months old.

Today I’m going to visit Sarada, even though we are not in good terms right now. We were arguing lately about my missions. She’s scared something will happen to me because I’m doing more dangerous missions to help dad now. I’m doing it only when no one else can, but she’s still worried. I don’t say she’s wrong, but I need experiences. We’ll go through something more dangerous. This is still a peace of cake for me. I knocked on her door.

"Boruto, Sarada broke up with you, what do you want here?" said uncle Sasuke.

"We never broke up, uncle Sasuke!!"

"Huh? So was Sarada lying? I heard something different.."

"Papa, stop with that. I’m old enough," said Sarada.

"No, leave this to your papa."

"Just move!" She said and pushed him away. Aunt Sakura giggled from afar.

"Boruto, I thought you are not talking to me."

"You are wrong, Sarada! I don’t like this tension between us! I want to get it back to normal.. please, listen to me."

"All right, I also don’t like it.. To be honest, I’m jealous of Sumire and Kawaki right now. They seem pretty close unlike us."

"How do you know?"

"I saw Sumire and Kawaki on my way home. They were holding hands and looked so in love.." She frowned at me.

"Hey! Kawaki’s older than me, so he’s more experienced in these things!"

"Even you could figure that out without me saying anything, but you are too dense as I see.."

"Dad also wasn’t an expert in this.. it took him years to figure out mom’s feelings.."

"Don’t talk like this about Naruto-san!" Uhhh, this is pointless.

"Anyway, did you come for anything else?" she asked.

"Well, yeah. We got a report. Sumire was attacked by one Othutsuki and her bodyguard was killed."

"I see… when will this end?"

"I don’t know, but we already have something."


"Sumire’s father is controlled by them. One Othutsuki talked too much and told Sumire everything. They plan to control everyone in the world to make a new world for themselves."

"I see, but what will we do about it?"

"We? I thought we’ll leave it to adults."

"Are you scared, Boruto?" She smirked.

"Of course not-ttebasa!" I love her courage, but it's her who was worried about me all the time..

"How could we get to their mansion?" she asked.

"Sara threw a tracking bug on Urashiki when she caught his leg. It’s a new prototype of Shikadai’s father’s laboratory. When it sticks to someone, it immediately crawls into their skin so that the perpetrator doesn't have a chance to find the bug. Good thing, right?"

"Woah, amazing! I never knew science can be so useful!"

"Now you’d insult Shikamaru-san."

"Heh, you are right. Do you know their location?"

"It looks like he visited Toneri for a while. We are waiting till he comes back. Sai-san already went to talk with Toneri. They still suspect him."

"It makes sense after everything he’s done, shannaro!"

"But I think he’s telling the truth that he changed. He doesn’t seem so obsessed with my mom anymore."

"Hmm, I don’t know. So, when will we set up on the way?"

"I’ll tell you when Urashiki gets back. Then we’ll wait till they’ll go away, so we can explore it there."

"Sounds like a plan! I’m in!"

"Good, I’ll tell it to Kawaki. Othutsuki could go after them. Sumire was their target, Urashiki warned her they’ll see each other again."

"I see.. but Kawaki can’t defeat them."

"We don’t need that. We just need a time to ruin their goals." She nodded.

"All right, I’m going."

"Wait!" She kissed me on the lips. I held her close to me, but then uncle Sasuke saw us. I quickly ran away, but he caught me and now I have bruises all over body.

Tss, even uncle Neji wasn’t so overprotective when it came to dad.
Mom told me when she saw my wounds. But if he thinks he’s going to break us up this way then he’s damn wrong! This makes our bond even stronger-ttebasa!


BoruSara didn't appear for a long time, so I made a new chapter about them. Hope you liked it!

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