Chapter 18: The Final

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Sumire’s POV

It’s been a week I’m working in doctor Katasuke’s laboratory. Right now we are trying to invent prototypes for people without hands or legs. After a serious accident you should be happy you are still alive, but for them their life ends in this moment. Be independent on someone is the least thing people wants, that’s why are working on making their life easier. We are also using cheaper material, so it’s not too expensive for them. I really love this job.

"Sumire, my assistant Akita just told me you had a call few minutes ago."

"Really? From who?"

"Her name was Eida-san."

"Oh, Eida-san, I’ll call her back." I went to Akita-san’s office and called Eida-san.

"Eida-san, how do you know about me? I still didn’t talk to you."

"Please stop with the formalities. Our boyfriends are like brothers, so let’s act like that too."

"Of course I just that we are not tog-"

"The thing why I called you, it’s actually Kawaki. He’s just in our place, but is afraid to call you. I heard something happened between you two and he’s uncertain if he can visit you. If you want to see him, wait at midnight in front of your work."

"Why midnight?"

"He needs some time. Just do the right thing, Sumire. I really like you two."

"S-sure, Eida-chan. I’ll think about it." W-why is he here? I thought I ended it.. but I know it was a coward move from me to just disappear without saying anything. I need to see him and explain him the situation. I won’t go back to Japan. That’s my final decision. I went back to work and waited here till midnight.

When I heard the clock saying I worked too much and didn’t even notice how late it is, I went in front of the estate. Kawaki was standing there in suit. The moonlight was shining at him.

"K-kawaki, what are you doing here?"

"I was looking for you, silly." We were quiet for a while.

"Kawaki, I won’t go back. If you came just because of this.."

"Let me explain the situation. It’s true that after the Othutsuki case was finally solved, I was told if I don’t want to work for FBI, for Naruto-san that was always my dream. But… what dream would it be without you standing by my side? I made an important decision and in the end I decided for you. Because.. you are the most important for me. I just can’t live without you and I already tried that. But I started to smoke and drink alcohol.. I wanted to destroy myself because you weren’t with me. So please, let me just stay with you.. forever." He knelt on his knee. He can’t mean.. he took my hand.

"Kakei Shigaraki Sumire, will you get engaged to such an unbearable jerk like me? That’s my last wish.." I.. I didn’t expect this. I couldn’t even dream about this day. He really went through so much just to find me and say this?? I started to cry.

"D-did I say something wrong? I guess I should go back.." When he wanted to leave I grabbed his hand.

"You are so stupid, giving up so fast.. If it means you’ll stay here with me.. I’ll be gladly engaged with you." I said and he caught my cheek. Giving me a soft kiss.

"There’s no place I’d rather be than here with you." I kissed him back. Still crying from the atmosphere. Then I grabbed his hand and took him to my apartment. I’ll never forget about this night. About our first..

After two years of living here we finally married. Although we lived in New York, we didn’t lose contact to our friends in Japan. Boruto-kun and Sarada-chan didn’t change so much, mainly their relationship. I could see in Sarada-chan’s eyes she’s jealous of my wedding. But Boruto-kun didn’t look like he wants to make a move. At least that’s what we thought.

The truth is he waited till he’ll become stronger. Strong enough to protect Sasuke-san’s daughter. It was also his coincidence. Boruto-kun and Sarada-chan joined FBI after the last mission. Naruto-san was very impressed of them. Sasuke-san let them be in his team, but I think he just wanted to watch over them. What happened to Mitsuki-kun and Chocho-chan? Well, it’s hard to say it but Chocho-chan fell in love with someone else again. Mitsuki-kun decided to stay alone after this betrayal. Iwabe-kun and Wasabi-chan are finally dating after so many years of denying. While Boruto-kun got a new sister, Sarada-chan got a new brother. It’s really cute, right? But for some reason Naruto-san and Sasuke-san didn’t let them meet them till now. Himawari-chan became really close with Inojin-kun. Boruto-kun told me he changed thanks to her, but I feel sorry for him. Her father and brother are still watching them.

Sometimes we made a trip to Konoha. For example on Boruto-kun’s and Sarada-chan’s wedding. By the way, Isshiki appeared there too for a while. He said he’ll stay here just for two years, but it looks like he started to fancy this planet.

Ten years later we already had two children. I worked as the main doctor while Katasuke-san became the director. Kawaki got a liking to firemen. After he made some physical exams and got a certificate after one year working there, he became an official fireman. Saving other people is also his priority. He also wanted to become an idol for our kids and for me.

We argued a lot because of it because sometimes he almost died or stayed at hospital for a long time. He also lost one hand while he was saving one child from the fire. I made him a special prototype which he was grateful for and never let it happen again.

Boruto-kun and Sarada-chan also got one son. They had a chance while Sasuke-san moved his attention to his son. It was actually Naruto-san who was overprotective here. Having two daughters is not easy.

Fortunately we have two little boys named Suki and Nawaki Shigaraki. In the end we all kept my father’s surname. I also kept my mother’s. Kawaki did this for me to have a memory of him. That’s why I always loved him and always will. Until the death won’t seperate us..

The end.


Damn, this really hurts after such a long time. But I'm glad I can finally start something new. I hope you liked this story, even though it was so long. See ya in another another story. I'll also try to update my previous story. Sometimes. Thank you for all your support. Mainly Onaconda, KawakiSumire, 6th_cloverleaf and Hinata4427 . Thank you all so much. ❤️❤️

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